Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
Just wanna say, it's great to know there people in your age bracket that still enjoy and are passionate about videogames. Keep going 

Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
would be nice if their added a way to make the timed puzzels or whatever it is easier after the third or something try. I hope however their wont reducde the overall diffucelt off the game, i used to love wow and played it a lot until around wraith of the lich king and i ended up qutting because anything else then arena pvp got to dumbed down.
also my mom plays alot of games on the wii where a lot of the games she plays has auto reduce diffucelt of the boss, or quest or time thing, but i think its imporent to not make people try and fail at the event 10 times or 20 before the system finnaly kicks in. It's pretty much gotten to the point she stops playing the games until i drop by and complete the specfic point for her, so she can contiune, instead of retring it 10 or more times until the diffucelt goes down.
If its finnaly added, i think anything over 5 or more fails before the diffucelt gets reduced could easilly be to much, the most imporent system for it is probaly how many times do people have to lose before it kicks in, and whatever it's auto or a box pop giveing you a choice to reduce the event
also my mom plays alot of games on the wii where a lot of the games she plays has auto reduce diffucelt of the boss, or quest or time thing, but i think its imporent to not make people try and fail at the event 10 times or 20 before the system finnaly kicks in. It's pretty much gotten to the point she stops playing the games until i drop by and complete the specfic point for her, so she can contiune, instead of retring it 10 or more times until the diffucelt goes down.
If its finnaly added, i think anything over 5 or more fails before the diffucelt gets reduced could easilly be to much, the most imporent system for it is probaly how many times do people have to lose before it kicks in, and whatever it's auto or a box pop giveing you a choice to reduce the event
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
That has to be the most un-helpful and (hopefully unintentionally) condescending answer I have seen in a long time. I have experienced similar problems completing the timing based puzzles, and solved the problem by reducing graphics resolution and window size, which improved the keyboard responsiveness enough to make the timing work - and I'm on an 8 core MacPro. It's also worth noting that wireless input devices (keyboard/mouse) significantly degrade speed.stepsongrapes wrote:
I think you just need to play different types of games (e.g., full turnbased RPGs or strategy games). Grimrlock is a old-school, but it is a mix of RPG, puzzle, and arcade game elements. There are a lot of games out there that have zero arcade elements. I think the arcade elements of Grimrock are giving many people trouble, judging by the threads on this forum.
BTW - it's not just us oldsters that can have these issues - anyone who doesn't practice those QWEASD keyboard skills frequently (you know, like people with families and full time jobs

On a more constructive note - it'd be helpful to be able to map a key to turn 180 degrees (x, perhaps).
- Posts: 14
- Joined: Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:01 pm
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
Could not agree more!Marak wrote:That sort of shit wasn't fun way back then and it isn't any fun now. While some find this sort of thing to be a fun challenge, I think it's fair to say that a larger potion of the playerbase find it at best irritating and at worst, a deal-breaker.
This is so very true. I was hoping for Grimrock to take the genre of Dungeon Crawlers truly into the 21st century - by keeping what was good, and removing what was bad, and by adding new and interesting things to this genre. But apparently that is not what the game designers wanted. Too bad.Xorg wrote:But *not* with all of the hassles. Because we can do better these days - so lets play for enjoyment and entertainment, bring over all that was good, dump or avoid that which was bad (and way too time consuming - for no real reason.)

- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
There are always "players" who whine about challenges they are not able to complete.Demo_Seeker wrote:Could not agree more!Marak wrote:That sort of shit wasn't fun way back then and it isn't any fun now. While some find this sort of thing to be a fun challenge, I think it's fair to say that a larger potion of the playerbase find it at best irritating and at worst, a deal-breaker.
Define your good and bad things or what seemed to be in need to be added. Then we can see if that statement holds.Demo_Seeker wrote:This is so very true. I was hoping for Grimrock to take the genre of Dungeon Crawlers truly into the 21st century - by keeping what was good, and removing what was bad, and by adding new and interesting things to this genre. But apparently that is not what the game designers wanted. Too bad.Xorg wrote:But *not* with all of the hassles. Because we can do better these days - so lets play for enjoyment and entertainment, bring over all that was good, dump or avoid that which was bad (and way too time consuming - for no real reason.)![]()
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
do not F the Ts
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
Not even to lure, slay and scavenge?Komag wrote:do not F the Ts

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- Location: Oregon
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
I'm a little slow, or not up to date on the latest trends, Komag. What is this referring to?Komag wrote:do not F the Ts
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
"Don't feed the trolls"Ryeath_Greystalk wrote:I'm a little slow, or not up to date on the latest trends, Komag. What is this referring to?Komag wrote:do not F the Ts
- Posts: 14
- Joined: Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:01 pm
Re: Reluctantly have to quit this game at Level 4
Just because someone has a different opinion than you does not make them a troll.Komag wrote:do not F the Ts
Maybe you could find it in your heart to show a little more tolerance.
Good:Dr.Disaster wrote: Define your good and bad things or what seemed to be in need to be added. Then we can see if that statement holds.
1.) The graphics. Lighting/shadows, the animation of the monsters is very good.
2.) The puzzles (in general).
3.) Sound effects were pretty solid, too.
4.) Music (title screen) also.
1.) I found combat to be rather boring after a while, in that you always have to employ the same tactics. Always the same old "dancing around enemies".
So maybe you reply to me, "But it's a Dungeon Crawler! Combat has to be like this! It is an elementary part of what defines the genre!"
Well, then I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think combat could be, and should be, more interesting than always doing the same thing over and over.
2.) The spell casting system. I'm really not sure why one has to go through this hassle of clicking on the runes Every. Single. Time.
Maybe the developers thought that spells have to be limited, and otherwise would be too powerful. But they are already limited: Both by using up MP, and by
the cooldown period before you can cast another spell. Thus, there is no need for a third limiting element. At least if this were optional, then the people who like
it could use it, and the others could switch it off. This way everyone could be a winner.
3.) Some of the puzzles with timing aspect I found to be rather annoying. That is, when you have already figured out how to solve a puzzle and know the solution,
but then have to try dozens and dozens of times until you get the timing right. Often enough, a mere split-second prevented me from solving a puzzle, and I had
to try again, and again, and again... am I really the only person who finds this to be boring? The interesting part of a puzzle is finding out what to do. Actually
doing it is more of an exercise "You vs. the Game Engine". The former is great and provides good fun. The latter? Not so much, in my opinion.
4.) The game's controls I found to be rather clunky than elegant. Often enough, I found myself clicking on the wrong square in the lower-right corner of the screen
in the heat of battle (or left-clicking instead of right-clicking e.g.). I think that controlling your party's actions should not be error-prone, it should exactly be the
opposite of that. Because the real fight should be "You vs. the Monster", not "You vs. the Game's User Interface". The lack of hotkeys for e.g. casting spells, using
potions (that have been made before battle) is mind-boggling. Again, this could at least be something that you could switch on and off in the game's menu: If you
don't want to use hotkeys, that's okay of course. However if you do want to use them, the game should not deny you this possibility.
But don't just take my word for it. There are people/websites who review games on a regular basis, and here is (part of) what they said:
"Legend of Grimrock resonates with powerful nostalgic vibes for gamers of my generation, and I don’t regret my time with it one bit. Its lazy monster design
encourages the worst kind of tedious, mechanically abusive player behavior, though, which is a grave offense in the world of party-based RPGs. I love it for
respecting my brain as a puzzle-solver even as I rage at its failure to recreate the kind of tactical combat that made me fall in love with PC RPGs in the first
place." (Link)
"They’re also quite easily exploitable – any single enemy, no matter how tough, can be dominated by a series of cowardly stab-retreats and sidesteps." (Link)
"Since most enemies can only attack while standing on a square adjacent to your party, the only feasible way I could survive these encounters was by pulling
off an attack, side-stepping away, and repeating when the monster repositioned itself. After going through these motions a few times, I stopped feeling like
I was cutting down blood-thirsty creatures - I was just outsmarting goofy artificial intelligence." (Link)
"Whether it’s casting spells or swinging a sword, you have to right click on the item. There were plenty of times I accidently left-clicked on an item and
removed it from the character’s hand instead of attacking, leading to yet another reload. The non-intuitive nature of the controls makes an already hard
game even harder but for the wrong reasons." (Link)
"Indeed, many will find one-on-one combat mindless and gimmicky – justifiably so. [...]
In terms of control, LoG experiences a few hiccups. For instance, movement seems to "buffer" in that pressing forward three times quickly will definitely
result in three spaces of movement – which sounds completely reasonable. However, the characters move so slowly, even when not encumbered, that if
one changes his mind mid-movement in an attempt to avoid falling down a pit, the game sports a big ol' middle finger. This is especially troublesome
when frantically running away from enemies. [...]
Additionally, the exclusion of hotkeys for potions and food is baffling. " (Link)
I wonder if you think that all of these people are trolls? ;-)
They overall like the game, but they also point out its weaknesses. And that's perfectly okay.