[WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (Castle Winterfell)

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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New ingame charact

Post by Leki »

Neikun wrote:Would love to know how you're doing human character models with any animation whatsoever!
Character pipeline:
Create mesh (or find free mesh).
Improve or modify mesh.
Create or improve textures.
Test static mesh ingame.
Purge mesh.
Export mesh by CWs (wallasaurus) maxscript to GMT (you need 3dmax for that - you can download 30days trial).
Create game object - decoration.
Test mesh ingame until its ok.
Insert biped into mesh.
Create nodes (helpers).
Atach nodes to bones.
Skin mesh to nodes.
Animate (if previous work takes hours, this will take 10x more... You need to know what kind of brain you wont to use - animations depends on that).
Move bones, they will move nodes and skin will animate mesh.
Export animation by CWs (wallasaurus) maxscript.
Create moster script and use your model and animations.
Test ingame.
Purge etc...
If you have all animations and character is mooving, hitting, attacking etc - then go for sounds...
Find of create sound. Convert to propper files etc...
Test sounds and animations.
Purge sounds.
Test again...
It looks like nice piece of sh*t. Delete all and start again from beggining...

I spend a lot of days with this one. Before this I made tests with plate mailed skeleton warrior. It worked, but I didn't like ïts visual so ...
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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New ingame charact

Post by Neikun »

Our project, Legends of the Northern Realms will depend on some human ncps, but none of our contributors see to know how to get it done.
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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New ingame charact

Post by Leki »

Drakkan wrote:I think animate these npc should be really important, city looks very empty without any humans. Good job !
"City is empty" because i don't wont to do spoilers. I will past some pictures "with live" in the next days, but atm it's about architecture :-)
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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New character)

Post by Silent_Shadow_117 »

I started watching that video, and I want to know, where did you get the houses? Did you make them yourself or download them from somewhere?
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How to: House

Post by Leki »

Silent_Shadow_117 wrote:I started watching that video, and I want to know, where did you get the houses? Did you make them yourself or download them from somewhere?
Yes. I made that house by myself. I spend over a month with experiments, how to do it.

You have few possibilities how to create scene like this.:
For example, you can create "two" layers. Level "floor" and level (or levels) "+3m" ( +6m or another - depends on height of your ground level). Then you can build the level on the floor and improve it using higher levels objects. The weakness of this method is, that it's very uncomfortable to manage these "levels" and "eliminate the cells based visual". It's created from "boxes" and in the end it looks "ugly". Another issue is, that you need to create a lot of wallset models to make differencesˇ:
- you can use method wall and wall with door (2 models) but the problem is that you cannot connect block if nighbor is incompatible without pillars --> squares again.
- or you can create wall, door and window (3 models) and use them "like ivy". You can create wall, then place door as decoration (door and window can be moved and saved many times to get different versions and create "non squared look) its easier than first method, because wall is base and doors and windows are only decoration. But walls must be straight again, to keep smooth connection without pillars, or you must use pillars.
- my method is to create model of house (different from each side). It's 2x2 squares size and center is in pillar. Just place object and rotate in 4 sides. Looks perfect.

Video how it works: Making of Tombs of Winterfell 1 : Village of Vinterfell
Advantage of first 2 methods is that you have "map" and "collisons" inmediatelly. You can see walls in game map immediately.
With my method, because house is decoration, you must place in scene virtual walls to get that effect. I have "underground model of "secret wall" object - it's invisible plane. Very simple model and object as well. It's very fast to place it in the scene - as you can see on video.
Unfortunatelly it's not enough - to prevent throwing objects into house, you must place blockade on "house cells". I have two of them: full and smaller. First one is for standard cells and blocked it whole, the second one is for alcove cells and blocked it partly. The second one is on the video, when I place wooden box on the floor (there is not placing blockades in video, i forgot to grab that part :-).

Village of Winterfel is builded using one house (I mean one house, two models - the second model one is mirrored original model). I built it using one model, but after that I made mirrored version. Then I replaced some models in scene with that mirrored version. Its very cheap method how to improve a look.

When I found "how to". It was very fast. I made full model of house in few hours, then used rotation (5°) and got current look of the village.
I will share my sources, you can use it freely.
Last edited by Leki on Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:03 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New character)

Post by Neikun »

:o! I am in love with that sunny courtyard!
Eagerly await sources owo
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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New character)

Post by msyblade »

I am truly impressed that you take the time to write a detailed explanation for people. Very thoughtful, keep at it!
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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New character)

Post by LordYig »

Your explanation make quite clear how to achieve this kind of result.
This a this some really great work you have done.

Thanks for sharing your method !
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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New character)

Post by Komag »

yes, this an excellent example of this technique, thanks for the details :)
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Re: [WIP] TOMBS OF WINTERFELL (12.1.2013: New character)

Post by Edgus »

Looks impressive! Going outdoors in Legends of Grimrock makes me so thrilled. This technique seems quite tricky. Will await this project with utmost anticipation.
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