[MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.99)
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.94)
so on level 3 for me there were 6 spiders right at the entrance to level 3.... ill get back to you once i get through that to let you know if it was an unfair or an unfortunate difficulty spike.
Grimrock Community 'FrankenDungeon 2012. Submit your entry now!: http://tinyurl.com/cnupr7h
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.): http://tinyurl.com/bqvykrp
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!: http://tinyurl.com/cu52ksc
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.): http://tinyurl.com/bqvykrp
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!: http://tinyurl.com/cu52ksc
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.94)
Oh, this sounds bad, but you can always kill some of them by teleporting into their bodies.HaunterV wrote:so on level 3 for me there were 6 spiders right at the entrance to level 3.... ill get back to you once i get through that to let you know if it was an unfair or an unfortunate difficulty spike.

Got another update:
Code: Select all
- added projectile/pressure plate traps
- added random ground tentacles
- improved random corpses
- bugfix: hidden plates work on all levels
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.94)
Sounds like DOOM. Well with the teleporters for level change that's really what this feels like now.Roman42 wrote:Oh, this sounds bad, but you can always kill some of them by teleporting into their bodies.HaunterV wrote:so on level 3 for me there were 6 spiders right at the entrance to level 3.... ill get back to you once i get through that to let you know if it was an unfair or an unfortunate difficulty spike.
Got another update:
Code: Select all
v0.95 - added projectile/pressure plate traps - added random ground tentacles - improved random corpses - bugfix: hidden plates work on all levels
Curious, is there a way to implement the treasure chest generator into this at all?
Grimrock Community 'FrankenDungeon 2012. Submit your entry now!: http://tinyurl.com/cnupr7h
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.): http://tinyurl.com/bqvykrp
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!: http://tinyurl.com/cu52ksc
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.): http://tinyurl.com/bqvykrp
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!: http://tinyurl.com/cu52ksc
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.95)
I've checked out those chest, because they're really perfect for a random dungeon but I haven't seen Germanny's texture before, so I've decided to forget them (the screenshots on the nexus really should be updated).
Now I've tried them, seen Germannnys dark variant and I'm loving those chests. I'll definitately put them in, but at the moment, I'm trying to keep it as vanilla as possible, to keep the overview. When I'm basically satisfied with the dungeon generation, I plan to add a lot of the great community content (Neikun's Gardians, Germanny's weapons and Ixnatifual's tomes will be the first ones.
Now I've tried them, seen Germannnys dark variant and I'm loving those chests. I'll definitately put them in, but at the moment, I'm trying to keep it as vanilla as possible, to keep the overview. When I'm basically satisfied with the dungeon generation, I plan to add a lot of the great community content (Neikun's Gardians, Germanny's weapons and Ixnatifual's tomes will be the first ones.

Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.95)
awesome but i do think adding the chests is perfect. it's something everyone would accept. Alcoves are good too.
Oh, when in doubt the little wooden boxes and/or sacs work as vanilla substitutes. might be able to take the scripting of teh chests and have sacs treated the same. Make a treasure chest room. like a room that even when viewed from 8 squares away tells you there is loot to be had.
The Tome library is great as well, I dunno if you would consider implementing them as well.
Oh, when in doubt the little wooden boxes and/or sacs work as vanilla substitutes. might be able to take the scripting of teh chests and have sacs treated the same. Make a treasure chest room. like a room that even when viewed from 8 squares away tells you there is loot to be had.
The Tome library is great as well, I dunno if you would consider implementing them as well.
Grimrock Community 'FrankenDungeon 2012. Submit your entry now!: http://tinyurl.com/cnupr7h
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.): http://tinyurl.com/bqvykrp
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!: http://tinyurl.com/cu52ksc
SUBMIT YOUR ASSETS! Community Asset Pack (C.A.P.): http://tinyurl.com/bqvykrp
Behold! The HeroQuest Revival!: http://tinyurl.com/cu52ksc
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.96)
Another update:
Monsters don't horde together as much as before and you can play it with any party now, the level of the spawned monsters accord to your party's level, but only on dungeon generation, not while in the game, so you won't get weaker while levelling up (a big mistake in many modern RPGs IMHO).
For example: a Slug will hit your good old Grimrock Party with 18-20 HP. With a fresh party, the Slug acts normal (5-10 HP), but while playing, the Slug won't grow with your party.
And I'm spawning a dagger as random seed, as explained by Martin Thoresen here on this forum. I'm not sure, but the random numbers seem to be more widespread, resulting in a better dungeon.
Code: Select all
- added random altars (find out what happens)
- monsters spawn further away from another
- champion level determines monster level on dungeon generation
- added Martin Thoresen's randomizer
- improved item distribution
For example: a Slug will hit your good old Grimrock Party with 18-20 HP. With a fresh party, the Slug acts normal (5-10 HP), but while playing, the Slug won't grow with your party.
And I'm spawning a dagger as random seed, as explained by Martin Thoresen here on this forum. I'm not sure, but the random numbers seem to be more widespread, resulting in a better dungeon.
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.96)
sounds like good progress, cool!
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.96)
a quick update (randomness was broken):
Code: Select all
- door gfx correspond to tileset
- monsters drop more random but still logical loot
- added Komag's earthquakedust script
- daemon heads are more interactive
- added random pillar decorations
- removed the dagger random seed trick as it seems to generate the same random dungeon over and over again.
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.98)
Since holidays are over, the updates are rolling in a little bit slower, but I'm still toying around with it, so here's a little update:
BTW: I'd like to include the Cube as a boss, but I want him to be in a vulnerable state. Is there a known way to pull this off?
Code: Select all
- added locked doors / keys / wooden boxes
- added random wall decorations
- added lootable crates/barrels/eggs
- level up teleporters have different color
- randomized pillar facing
- added random anti-magic levels (script by Grimwold)
- improved teleporter safety
- better torch distribution
- improved crystal safety
- bugfix: crash on Archer kill
- fixed rare clipping bug on teleporter pillars
- many smaller optimizations
Re: [MOD] Random Dungeon (v0.98)
The only way I know of is to have the cube in the dungeon, have the weapon of power, stun him with it, insert one of the parts into him, pull it back out, voila, he's vulnerable now (as though you had pulled out the last part in the original game). I tried VERY hard to find a different way to accomplish this, but it's just out of our reach, all hard-coded stuffRoman42 wrote: I'd like to include the Cube as a boss, but I want him to be in a vulnerable state. Is there a known way to pull this off?
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play