EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by torrentails »

I don't supose there would be any chance for creating our own AI Brains? It'd be much easier to implement NPCs and scripted battles if this were posible.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Dochoppy »

First thank you for this modern walk down memory lane!

One suggestion I have would be the ability to add functions to unique ID names.

I.E. When scripting a torch holder combination etc to trigger a door or other event,
currently it is at it's base either on or have


Code: Select all

function opensecretdoor()
	if everlastingholder:hasTorch() == true
In the example, I can have a torch holder with the id everlastingholder be triggered by hasTorch, but if I only wanted a specific torch with the ID everlastinglight to trigger the secretlightdoor, say by replacing hasTorch with haseverlastinglight it doesn't work. The idea would be that only that torch can open the door, but anyother torch put in the holder would just act as a normal torch, not triggerting the secretlightdoor:open part. I hope I am explaining this clearly enough. Having the ability to tie functions/events/actions etc to unique ID names opens up quite a few more possibilities for puzzles tied to specific Items with unique ID names. Just adding something like has"unique ID" or even a generic script call that could be used to check against unique item id names before say completing the hasTorch check else it would just go to secretlightdoor:close....

Sorry if I am rambling. I hope I am getting the idea across. I am not just thinking only of Torch holders...you could tie it to a pressure plate, that would only activate when a rock called "A Lode Stone" is placed on it for example.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Komag »

In some cases we can do something like what you're saying, but a more direct way like you describe would definitely be nice :)
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Drakkan »

missing possibility to delete this annoying Level1, Level2 etc... description in automap. Should be complete changeable in properties, not just partialy.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by thomson »

Steam mod co-authors are not able to upload updates. Depending on how you look at this - a bug or a feature request (cross-posted this to both glitches and feature request threads).

Author A uploads a mod to Steam using Publish to Workshop command. Author B is later added as co-author. Author B does some update to the mod and wants to upload updated version. When he clicks Publish to Workshop, it does not list existing mod and the only available option is Publish New Mod.

BTW Is Steam API for Grimrock published anywhere?
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Drakkan »

I wish we can insert cinematics withing the game, not just in intro and ending.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by LordYig »

I would like to see less of hard coded element in some object behaviour.
  • Possibility to change sound used by Alcove, Lever, Button, Crystal.
    This could apply to any object kind that plays a sound by default and does not allow to edit it yet.

    Code: Select all

    	name = "my_lever",
    	baseObject = "lever",
    	sound = "My_Sound_Definition",
  • Silent property for Alcove, Lever, Button, Crystal, etc. like the one existing for pressure plates and teleporters.
    This could apply to any object kind that plays a sound by default and has a sound property.

    Code: Select all

    	name = "my_lever",
    	baseObject = "lever",
    	silent = true,
  • Emit Light property for the Crystal object (or an instance of this object) like the one for the teleporter.
    This could apply to any object that can emit light by default and does not allow to remove it.
I don't think this is possible right now for most object and I do not know if these requests could already be achieved by scripting or not.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by takis76 »

One more feature to be improved in the next update is when you select the level properties and you are in map properties , the wall set menu is very short and the names of the wall sets are not fit and you see a part of the name.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Drakkan »

not sure if mentioned somewhere else before - but any mortar and pestle cloned object is NOT working. This is really limiting for making lots of custom stuffs, like anvil, writing scrolls etc... :/
if any way to correct this, lots of dungeon masters are going to welcome it.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Neikun »

Have you tried defining, not cloning?
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