That is already the minimum required rows to crash it (the real case where I found it was a lot more complex, luckily the suspect rows were only a few ).
From the stack it seems that the engine tries to refer to the thrown object to play a 3d sound after I already destroyed it.
I have a UI issue. The Inspector window won't scroll to the bottom. I encountered this problem while trying
out a teleporter. The UI absolutely will not let me scroll down to what I assume are the fields to enter in destination coordinates. I can just barely see the top of 3 seperate fields (a couple pixels), and my mouse changes to the little text bracket thing when I hover over them. If there are any "Inspector" windows longer than the teleporter I likely wouldn't be able to use those either.
Calling getMouseItem():destroy() leaves a corupted, but functioning item still on the mouse. Calling any further script functions on the item, returns a "bad item" error. This is true even if the party puts the item down or into their inventories.
Calling party:getChampion(1):insertItem(<some slot number>,getMouseItem()) results in the mouse item being duplicated; one in the slot and one on the mouse. At least the mouse item isn't corupted this time. :|
The way I get arround that is to use insertItem() and then setMouseItem(<some worthless item>). As you can imagine this is not ideal as it leaves a random peice of junk on the mouse that the party then has to deal with.
Shift and arrow keys work to select blocks of text.
Ctril and arrow keys work to jump across text a word at a time.
I'm used to being able to use Crtl+Shift + arrow keys to select text by jumping along words. This doesn't happen in the Grimrock editor. It would gretly speed up my coding pace if I could.
One other minor request would be to be able to adjust the font size for the editor. On 1080p with a 17 inch laptop it's not totaly a comfortable reading size (I must be getting old).
With a similar font size issue when some of my ID's get long it can be a pain to look at the drop boxes and see only the common prefix for 3 events on one object.