both vids are awesome. The model looks and moves fine enough imo to get reskinned and called a zombie as well. So essentially you killed 2 birds with one stone.
This reminds me of Zelda, where you can burn a Gibdo's wrappings (a mummylike enemy), and turn it into a Re-Dead (a zombielike enemy), it could make a clever additional mechanic if zombies employed different tactics.
Looks really good, the movement animation is nice!
IMO I would make its attack more in-your-face, akin to like the spider attack animations. Right now it kind looks like its just scratching the air
good point, he can come out of his square as long as he returns to it after attacking. I need to check some more of the asset pack for how they are done to be consistent. Thanks for the pointer!
Please forgive the animation, it's not at all my area of experience - so I am learning as fast as possible.