Updated new (1.3.6) features to the scripting cheat sheet:
https://sites.google.com/site/jkosgrimr ... heat-sheet
Scripting cheat sheet
Re: Scripting cheat sheet
- LoG Framework 2http://sites.google.com/site/jkoslog2 Define hooks in runtime by entity.name or entity.id + multiple hooks support.
- cloneObject viewtopic.php?f=22&t=8450
- cloneObject viewtopic.php?f=22&t=8450
Re: Scripting cheat sheet
Thanks for updating this useful resource JKos !JKos wrote:Updated new (1.3.6) features to the scripting cheat sheet:
https://sites.google.com/site/jkosgrimr ... heat-sheet
It quite easy to lost track of all available functions.
Since the last patch added a quantity of feature it is even more difficult now

Re: Scripting cheat sheet
Very useful and condensed information here, thank you!
My slow going projects...
Re: Scripting cheat sheet
A worthy resource. This thread should go in the most useful scripts repository! well done!
Re: Scripting cheat sheet
it's in the superthread, reference section 

Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
Re: Scripting cheat sheet
Thanks a lot for the update! Just a small detail, I noticed you have the "lever" section pasted twice in the table.
Re: Scripting cheat sheet
Can you also make a console command cheat sheet?
I use the most, but
don't work
Furthermore I can't recognise a door lock or spawn a key if I don't know its proper item-id. Any way to do this in the console command line?
I use the most, but
don't work
Furthermore I can't recognise a door lock or spawn a key if I don't know its proper item-id. Any way to do this in the console command line?
Re: Scripting cheat sheet
for i in entitiesAt(party.level,party.x,party.y) do if i.name == "dungeon_portcullis" then i:open() end end
or something like that, it's been a while, so I'm sure there are two or three mistakes in there
or something like that, it's been a while, so I'm sure there are two or three mistakes in there

Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play