Thanks for the comments.
and as promised , the source is on the nexus now under optional files.
I will try to explain what is going on here, and remember, I'm just messing around, trying stuff out and most of the time it fails

and then I try something different and its workable so I try to use it.
The skybox is just that, a very large box that has a texture applied to it.
The texture is what gives it a greater rendering distance then normal, its translucent
Its a decoration that I place on the floor and the model is a bottomless box (think of it as a hat)
its called sx_skybox_snow_small in the editor (I had a larger one, it was just not working out)
it is as big as I can make it with this method (as seen by the clipping from corner to corner)
The original idea was to have the box follow the party, but that didn't turn out so well when you had a long hallway, since you would be looking at the skybox and not the hallway.
So its stationery for now, that meant bringing it up so the party never needs to walk through it, that also meant I need to make "pockets" of open space connected together with indoor hallways and rooms.
on the map 2 of the boxes are laying to close together, and viewed from a specific angle you can see them cut into one another.(the blue dot is where the skybox entity is placed, the box shows the effected area)
When you place the skybox asset in a normal map, you will see nothing, since the tileset blocks it from view.
Since I was using Danivs Northern Tileset (sublime texture work btw Daniv) I needed a way to remove the ceiling in places where I wanted, and remove the wall and the pillars.
This is where 3 "special" assets come into play
They all have the same model thats called sx_blocker , this model is a very small single face (2triangles) model that has an offset beneath the floor (you will never see it) and it has a texture called sx_invisible thats a fully transparent texture (single pixel)
sx_remove wall is just a wall decoration that replaces the wall with the blocker model (the one you can't see) and pufff the wall is gone from view. (you can see it on the first screenshot of the skybox, I removed the walls because I wanted to track the movement of the skybox)
Code: Select all
name = "sx_remove_wall",
class = "Decoration",
model = "mod_assets/models/sx_blocker.fbx",
placement = "wall",
replacesWall = true,
killPillars = true, --this does nothing on a Decoration class
editorIcon = 8,
sx_remove_ceiling is the same, a decoration that replaces the ceiling with the invisible beneath the floor model
sx_outwall_killpillar was needed since a door class seems to be the only thing that can call killpillars = true
so this is just a door that has sx_blocker as the model, and replaces the doorFrameModel with sx_blocker and removes the pillars
Code: Select all
name = "sx_outwall_pillarkiller",
class = "Door",
model = "mod_assets/models/sx_blocker.fbx",
doorFrameModel = "mod_assets/models/sx_blocker.fbx",
openSound = "gate_open",
closeSound = "gate_close",
lockSound = "gate_lock",
openVelocity = 1.3,
closeVelocity = 0,
closeAcceleration = -10,
sparse = true,
placement = "wall",
killPillars = true,
editorIcon = 8,
these 3 assets are what I use to remove parts of the normal tileset from view, so I can transition from indoor to outdoor, to make rooms that have no ceiling etc etc.
Then we come to the modded Northern tileset walls and pillars.
these are just the normal models, put have been offset higher from the ground, so you can stack them, creating higher walls then normal.
You will find them hard to place in the editor since they are a decoration, the engine is the collision detection, not the model, so if you make them door class they would block the party even if they are far above you. You can't place a wall decoration in empty space, so you need to place them on walls, and move them with the WASD keys to the correct place.
We also have some other assets that I don't need to explain, the sx_yulesnow that you place on a tile, and snow will fall on that tile allowing you to have full control over where it is snowing and where not. there is some floor decoration thats called sx_snowpile_01 thats just a snowpile, we have the sx_snowground_01 thats replaces the normal tileset floor with snow, the sx_xmas_balls (don't go there) that are the xmas christmas decorations between the pillars.
There are some pine trees inside the source also, its just one tree, scaled and rotated to look like many, ohhh and the xmas tree, thats just the small pine tree with red and blue ..... balls (common whats the english word for this..

anywhy , a wall of text, but I hope you can make some use of these assets.
-edit , I can't spell english today, not that I can any other day