Asset Challenge: Christmas!

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Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by thomson »

Here's a challenge for you: create a modding asset that is at least loosely related to christmas!

I'm surprised nobody came up with this idea before.

1. It's just for fun. Christmas are celebrated only couple days in a year, so if you plan to invest a lot of time, it's better to do something generic (see hint #2)
2. Extra points for assets that can be reused in non-christmas themed dungeons (e.g. pine trees that can double as christmas trees, but would be later usable for forest wallset)
3. Anything even loosely related will do (fireplace, a window that you could look through and see snow outside, gift-wrapped boxes etc.)
4. I for one would welcome an angry, christmas hat wearing ogre that will say "ho ho ho" before smashing my party to pieces.
5. Red/white overweight goromorg with a large bag full of toys... er, equipment I mean could be interesting.

I'm afraid I don't have anything to offer as a prize here. I can buy a gift code for Grimrock, but all of you already have one. So for now it's simply for fun.

Here's something to get you inspired:
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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by Xanathar »

I for one would welcome an angry, christmas hat wearing ogre that will say "ho ho ho" before smashing my party to pieces.
This, and I will never be able to look at Santa with the same eyes again :lol:
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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by Rook »

I'm currently working on an ice cave wallset. Here's an early screenshot:

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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by Arkos »

I'm currently working on an ice cave wallset. Here's an early screenshot:
I like it! Will creatures leave foot prints in the snow?
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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by Rook »

Arkos wrote: I like it! Will creatures leave foot prints in the snow?
I think that would be pretty tough to code. It would be nice to see, but completely aesthetic.
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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by Isaac »

Rook wrote:
Arkos wrote: I like it! Will creatures leave foot prints in the snow?
I think that would be pretty tough to code. It would be nice to see, but completely aesthetic.
** Perhaps create a script with a timer and hidden pressure plate. Create a floor decoration that looks like the floor ~with footprints (possibly for each monster type in the area, including the party). When something triggers the pressure plate, use the script to check what it is, and spawn the appropriate footprint decoration with the correct facing; the timer erases it later.

Once the kit works on one tile... cover the halls with them, and the creatures should leave footprints in the halls. Have the footprints near the middle, and away from the edge... but close enough to look like a continuous path when they are next to each other.

*** Or... perhaps a 'footprint' object could be created, and dropped/spawned at regular intervals as they walk in certain areas; the object shouldn't be possible to pick up though.
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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by Asteroth »

Christmas challange? I am so in.
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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by Neikun »

Arkos wrote:
I'm currently working on an ice cave wallset. Here's an early screenshot:
I like it! Will creatures leave foot prints in the snow?
I think just foot print decorations for where there is a lot of , or where the story/setting would suggest a lot of movement going on.
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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by scorp29 »

Rook wrote:I'm currently working on an ice cave wallset. Here's an early screenshot:

Héhéhé, that promise a nice wallset!

You know what would be neat, frozen creature into this ice xD
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Re: Asset Challenge: Christmas!

Post by Asteroth »

Looks like I'm first. Here they are:
On the left are Santa's jolly Boots of Doom.(points to those who know the reference)

In middle the Eye of Kluas. Grand Cardinal Kluas sees you when you're sleeping. It's from a family joke where we saw a santa ornament at Busch gardens dressed up as a church cardinal, I called it Grand Cardinal Kluas and everybody told me how scary that sounds.

On right the exploding ornament. That says it all.

Every one has a custom Icon included. Enjoy here:

Edit: My ornaments picture got clipped! aw well.
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