I've created a rough idea for my Thwomp, using my 4 headed daemon model.
define script. (still to source better sounds)
Code: Select all
-- Thwomp
name = "Thwomp",
class = "Door",
model = "mod_assets/models/rk_daemon_head.fbx",
openSound = "gate_open",
closeSound = "gate_close",
lockSound = "gate_lock",
killPillars = true,
openVelocity = 1.3,
closeVelocity = 1,
closeAcceleration = -20,
sparse = false,
placement = "floor",
editorIcon = 136,
Place Thwomp (state = open)
Place hidden pressure plates on either side of the "Thwomp". (event = any, action = toggle)
Place spawner on either side of the Thwomp. (choose spell to spawn, I'm currently testing frostburst.)
Attach hidden pressure plates to timer. (event = any, action = toggle)
Attach timer to spawners. (Timer interval = 0.5, event = activate, action = activate)
I'm not great with script, hense the clunky mechenics haha. It's effective though!