Freaking awesome !petri wrote:
And this is how it's done:

Freaking awesome !petri wrote:
And this is how it's done:
Oh, and this +1Grimwold wrote:I was keen for a way to make monsters flee for a time.. alternative solutions would be
#1 a new AI type = flee (instead of default or guard)
#2 monster:setFlee(5)
to make it flee the party for 5 seconds.
#3 monster:setSight(0)
set the sight of the monster on the fly so that it would at least wander
Code: Select all
name = "party",
baseObject = "party",
onGuiDraw = function(g)
-- draw transparent background
g.drawRect(30, 50, 345, 300)
-- draw the portrait
g.drawImage("assets/textures/portraits/human_female_01.tga", 40, 60)
-- draw some text
g.color(255, 128, 128)
g.drawText("Well, Hello", 200, 80)
g.color(128, 128, 255)
g.drawText("Grimrockers!", 200, 95)
-- draw button with text
g.color(128, 128, 128)
g.drawRect(200, 120, 115, 20)
g.color(255, 255, 255)
g.drawText("How u doing?!", 210, 135)
-- button logic
if g.button("button1", 200, 120, 115, 20) then
hudPrint("*kick in the groin*")