Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by JKos »

petri wrote:Done:
- bug fix: shootProjectile's offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ parameters don't work
Great, i'm glad it was that easy to fix. Would the monster:setSight(range) be possible? I can think many uses to it.
- LoG Framework 2 Define hooks in runtime by or + multiple hooks support.
- cloneObject viewtopic.php?f=22&t=8450
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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by petri »

... ok, I'm going to have a brief stab at custom gui drawing ...
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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by HaunterV »

LordYig wrote:Does the door object can be upgraded to include support for alternate direction ?
Can this be done easily ?

I mean one sided door opening at 0 degrees and two sided doors opening at 90 and 270 degrees is rather limited...
Also support for more than 2 sides for doors could be nice.

I am thinking, for example, of a 4 part door opening while sliding at 45°, 135°, 225° and 315°...
But two sided door opening at 0° and 180° could be nice also...
There's a lot of combination in fact...

A rotating door would be a bonus but that cause clipping problems so i don't think it is easily feasible right now.

Could this be added, in the model with node names ?
Does this need custom properties for the door object ?

Gives me the idea that we need a book case that when you activate a book it swivels on the spot depositing you on the other side of the wall. like in cartoons
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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by thomson »

petri wrote:... ok, I'm going to have a brief stab at custom gui drawing ...
Fantastic! It seems that Christmas may come early this year :)
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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I don't want to distract you when you're working on something as awesome as a potential GUI system, but to be more clear about something I bashed out earlier.

Item:onProjectileHit(monster, facing) would be really awesome for hitting a monster and knocking him back or freezing him etc.
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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by Diarmuid »

JohnWordsworth wrote:I don't want to distract you when you're working on something as awesome as a potential GUI system, but to be more clear about something I bashed out earlier.

Item:onProjectileHit(monster, facing) would be really awesome for hitting a monster and knocking him back or freezing him etc.
doesn't an onProjectileHit with item condition work?

I guess that you mean one hook on the item is more economic than onProjectileHit hooks on all monsters?

Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by flatline »

The doable:
1. A setSkill setting. With setSkill you could for example count available skill points and reset them, ie to respec your characters using getSkill and setSkill. (right now only getSkill and addSkill exists)

The wishlist:
1. A setting for turning off collisions for monsters so that you can have entities that can move through the partys square would be nice. Think ghosts, small creatures, and such.
2. Anything that acts as a "fake" party entity, to lure monsters to move towards it.
3. Any way to influence the asset properties of monsters.

On a somewhat related note:
Making my own Glögg right next to my PC, if anyone wants a recipe for it I'll write it up :)
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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by JohnWordsworth »

@Dairmuid: Precisely. And in the community dungeons, if other people add new monsters - you have to get them to add your logic hook to their monsters.

I kind of figured that there might be a piece of code somewhere that already has the monster and item pointers in place to call the monster's onProjectileHit hook so calling an additional one on the item might only be a couple of lines of code in C++ but would make custom spells 'standalone' (include this 1 lua file in your dungeon and it works).
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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by petri »

And this is how it's done:

Code: Select all

	name = "party",
	baseObject = "party",
	onGuiDraw = function(g)
		-- draw transparent background
		g.drawRect(30, 50, 345, 300)

		-- draw the portrait
		g.drawImage("assets/textures/portraits/human_female_01.tga", 40, 60)

		-- draw some text
		g.color(255, 128, 128)
		g.drawText("Well, Hello", 200, 80)
		g.color(128, 128, 255)
		g.drawText("Grimrockers!", 200, 95)

		-- draw button with text
		g.color(128, 128, 128)
		g.drawRect(200, 120, 115, 20)
		g.color(255, 255, 255)
		g.drawText("How u doing?!", 210, 135)

		-- button logic
		if g.button("button1", 200, 120, 115, 20) then
			hudPrint("*kick in the groin*")
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Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you

Post by petri »

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