[WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by Zyx »

My hard-drive was so overwhelmed by joy with the working version of the Animation Editor that it decided to crash. Animated lettuces are now but a living memory in a few minds. I'm starting from scratch my work (installing an OS right now), so I can't help you directly.
But you can reproduce the "green salads" if you use a previous version of the Animation Editor, or if you fiddle with the new options for scaling (one of them produced the vegetables).

Good luck.
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by Komag »

good luck with the new PC, crashes like that can be a huge pain!
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by Xanathar »

Zyx wrote:if you fiddle with the new options for scaling (one of them produced the vegetables).

In theory the options which produced the salad should be the default one, so not much fiddling I hope.

A sympathetic hug for your hard drive Zyx, hope you didn't lose any important (whether by real importance or by affection) data.
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by flatline »

I tried using this to create smaller slimes, but I once again I am left feeling stupid.
Would a short walkthrough of opening, editing and saving the slime at 50% scale be possible?

Right now, nothing seems to happen when I use the editor.
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by Zyx »

Here's what I' do:
1) copy the slime animation folder from 'asset_pack_v2\assets\animations\monsters\slime' to 'mod_assets\animations\half_slime'.
2) Run GrimrockAnimationEditor
3) Point to 'asset_pack_v2\assets\models\monsters\green_slime.model' and 'mod_assets\animations\half_slime'
4) In Presets->change scale, put 50% with the option 'Disable re-translation'. OK
5 ) Save All
6) In 'mod_assets\scripts', edit monsters.lua and create a new slime, pointing to the modified animations, as following:

Code: Select all

	name = "half_slime",
	baseObject = "green_slime",
	animations = {
		idle = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_idle.fbx",
		moveForward = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_move_forward.fbx",
		moveBackward = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_move_backward.fbx",
		strafeLeft = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_strafe_left.fbx",
		strafeRight = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_strafe_right.fbx",
		turnLeft = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_turn_left.fbx",
		turnRight = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_turn_right.fbx",
		attack = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_attack.fbx",
		attackBack = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_attack_back.fbx",
		attackLeft = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_attack_left.fbx",
		attackRight = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_attack_right.fbx",
		getHitFrontLeft = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_get_hit_front_left.fbx",
		getHitFrontRight = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_get_hit_front_right.fbx",
		getHitBack = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_get_hit_back.fbx",
		getHitLeft = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_get_hit_left.fbx",
		getHitRight = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_get_hit_right.fbx",
		fall = "mod_assets/animations/half_slime/green_slime_get_hit_front_left.fbx",
(code untested)
7) Reload the assets in your dungeon, add a half_slime somewhere, and test.

Note: for completeness, I think the model should be shrinked too: there may be a brief moment when a monster is dynamically spawned where the idle animation is not active yet and it shows as its model size.
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by Xanathar »

Sorry flatline, I'm late with the guide (read: I'm lazy).
Anyway, for rescaling monsters Zyx guide is perfect to rescale slimes
For most other monsters (including snails) the only other change needed is to leave the defaults when the option window opens.

For some monsters then (like spiders, and according to other people in the forum crowerns and wyverns) you probably should adjust the Y translation of the local_srt object of the various animations - for this the best is to experiment, starting from the idle animation.
To adjust it, just select the whole local_srt timeline (clicking on the local_srt label), apply some offset to the T:Y box on the right and click "Add".
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by flatline »

Ah, seems I had to run it as administrator, that is probably why nothing was saved despite my earlier efforts. So, for those that seems to get no results, right-click the .exe and choose "run as administrator".

Thanks for the help.
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by hyteria »

after the first test , this work pretty well , but one problem , my new scaled animation with the model now walk into floor , did i change position on GMT now? or there is a option i miss on animationkit?
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by Xanathar »

Sorry hyteria, just seen the message now.

You can select the outer node (usually called local_srt) and offset it using teh transformation editor on the right to pull it above ahem sea level :)
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Re: [WIP] - Animation Editor - BETA Available

Post by Xanathar »

New version available:
http://code.google.com/p/grimrock-anima ... Editor.zip

Added - in yellow most important changes:
  • Various fixes of crashes
  • Baking of matrices in the model file to allow easier animation
  • Functionality to dump model data in a text file for examination
  • Not working but present: functions to help creating node animations compatible with monsters
As the GrimFBX and other tools approach final release, working on this will drop in priority, until its integration in the GMT.

So do not expect any new features (although it might happen) neither that the last bullet point on the list ever gets fixed (although it might happen).
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