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Post by Ash »

How are they going to work? Are there something like pickpocketing or disarm traps habilites?
Or some special skill for rogues?
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Re: Rogues

Post by Mercyfulfate1988 »

I don't think you will be pickpocketing or disarming traps. It is just a class like any other class. Its just a good way to determine what weapons you will be using.
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Re: Rogues

Post by Ash »

Sorry I whanted to say picklocking instead of pickpocketing
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Re: Rogues

Post by Sinshine »

sneak attacks ftw..

I wonder.... if like most other games, you trigger a sneak attack whenever you attack something thats is effectively not attacking you. if so two rogues on the back row with spears could be deadly.
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Re: Rogues

Post by TΛPETRVE »

"Lockpicking" is the word of choice :-D . And no, there is none. This is a dungeon crawler, after all.

"Sneak attacks" per se don't exist, but backstabbing does, which is as simple as attacking an enemy from behind for critical damage.
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Re: Rogues

Post by Ash »

TΛPETRVE wrote:"Lockpicking" is the word of choice :-D . And no, there is none. This is a dungeon crawler, after all.

"Sneak attacks" per se don't exist, but backstabbing does, which is as simple as attacking an enemy from behind for critical damage.
Thanks for the info, hehe I should practice more my english I gess
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Re: Rogues

Post by Curunir »

What, no locked chests that only rogues can open? I am sad now :L
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Re: Rogues

Post by Crise »

Basically the classes in this game determine what weapons you are best at using, nothing more nothing less (from what I have seen there aren't actual equipment restrictions based on class?).

The only class that has its own mechanic is mage. That said, can a fighter eguip a staff? and if so, does he use it like a club?
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Re: Rogues

Post by Hissssa »

Crise wrote:Basically the classes in this game determine what weapons you are best at using, nothing more nothing less (from what I have seen there aren't actual equipment restrictions based on class?).

The only class that has its own mechanic is mage. That said, can a fighter eguip a staff? and if so, does he use it like a club?
If you use the creator you could have a fighter specializing with staff apparently. Largely speaking Class only determines your starting stats (unless there is something we don't know).

Google "wtf is grimrock" on youtube, or look at the link from my min-max thread (a different video). Scan the video for the character creation section and you can see how it works. You can also learn a bit by looking at their character dolls when they level up.

Unless some of the skills are class only you can have a fighter with Assasinate (which is the sneak attack skill I believe). Again... unless they prohibit you from doing so you could make a fighter that only uses 1 weapon and give up 2 weapon proficiencies to take spellcraft and 1 magic school (life to make him a paladin?).
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Re: Rogues

Post by Crise »

Hissssa wrote:Unless some of the skills are class only you can have a fighter with Assasinate (which is the sneak attack skill I believe). Again... unless they prohibit you from doing so you could make a fighter that only uses 1 weapon and give up 2 weapon proficiencies to take spellcraft and 1 magic school (life to make him a paladin?).

Well, Rogue, has f.ex. missile weapons skill which the fighter does not have so, yes the skills are tied to the class as far as I can see, Staff Defense only on Mage while Maces only on Fighter and so on and so forth.
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