EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Soaponarope »

I would like to see expanded functions on teleporters. Allow for projectiles such as spells to be affected by teleporters. Also, thrown or shot items work fine in teleporters but present an error message saying "orientation not changed", even though this does occur.

Thanks for the editor, I'm having fun with it.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Komag »

I've noticed that console error message in the original game too, probably just a tiny bug that was never worth hunting down and squashing
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Banichi »

Can we get the ability to start the party off on a floor other than the topmost one?

Linear dungeons are nice and all, but some creators may not want a one way trip.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by petri »

Sure, just place the starting location where ever you want with the Y shortcut.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Lilltiger »

A way to remove items from alcovs/altars, and place it on the map, using the script, or a fix for the bad object issue, or being able to serialize global game objects in tables is something I am badly in need of as I cant find any way to work around it.
I need it for stuff like expanding the inventory by adding an item that works like a button and swaps to another inventory, but as it's now it only works in the editor while in the game cant serialize the tables containing the extra inventories.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by naim »

I would like to work on a roguelike mod with randomly generated dungeons, these would be some small changes to make it easier:

Code: Select all

--The way it is
mapDesc( "String for map layout generated by editor" )

--The way it would be much easier
map = "String for map layout generated by editor"
...or something similar. The reasoning behind this is the user can develop the custom code in a different file. If you change the dungeon.lua and then save inside the editor, your changes are overwritten...obviously :?

User Controls to:
- redraw the dungeon in the editor (i.e. rerun all scripts)
- create a new random seed (and redraw)
- lock the dungeon/tell the editor it is a procedural dungeon and he should include the buildCustomMap() call

Load the lua base libs earlier if it is possible.
I wanted to include my random algorithm, create a compatible string, replace the mapDesc call and then play around with the random seed to see it in action.
It is possible, but a somewhat roundabout way, because (I think) it is not meant to work like this.

Nevertheless, I had fun and will continue.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Soaponarope »

It would be nice to have initial state checks for more dungeon objects and triggers(such as hidden pressure plates). This could allow for complex innerworkings without a lot of extra scripting.

Differentiate between allowing a functional object to be in a functional state, and what it's own function does. (hope that is clear)
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by roachburn »

I think it would be useful for testing to be able to still gain exp when using K to kill monsters. One needs to be able to see where the party is as far as levels as they progress through the dungeons. This helps determin what items the party will be able to use etc. I found myself testing my dungeon and having to kill everything in order to determine what items I should put in the lower levels and this simply takes too long.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by petri »

There are functions in the script interface to level up characters. You can type them on the console or add to a script entity for testing.
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Re: EDITOR Feature Requests (not bugs!)

Post by Komag »

Request: way to move items/objects up or down a level.

Copy and then Paste on the new level gets the job done, but then I have to go back and delete the original. This is a low priority though
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