Make a light spell last shorter time?

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Make a light spell last shorter time?

Post by uggardian »

I want to make torches more needful in my dungeon. So.. is it possible to make the lightspell to last like... 15 seconds? (sounds pretty evil.. :twisted: )
Or maybe remove it from spellcraft-tree completely?

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Re: Make a light spell last shorter time?

Post by petri »

You should be able to redefine the spell with your own that does nothing (or something completely different :twisted: )
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Re: Make a light spell last shorter time?

Post by Bucnasti »

I've successfully redefined the light spell to do nothing, but I'm wondering how the existing light spell works. I can't find it in any of the scripts so I assume it's hardcoded.

What I want to do is make it so casting light creates a burst of light that lasts about 30 seconds.
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Re: Make a light spell last shorter time?

Post by Trap »

would be cool to make the light spell work Exactly like a torch that burns out super fast and you can see it start to fade quickly ;)
plus: I always thought torch light was a bit more moody than the actual light spell.
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Re: Make a light spell last shorter time?

Post by Komag »

I always wished the light spell was brighter than it is, so that it would at least match torches, but I guess perhaps that was an intentional trade-off (you exchange the further view distance for the benefit of not having to carry a torch in hand)
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Re: Make a light spell last shorter time?

Post by petri »

Yes, the shorter distance and different hue is intentional.
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