We're now preparing for the release and if you are not totally burned out already

- Importing characters between save games is a new feature and hasn't been extensively tested yet. Please report anything out of ordinary as soon as possible. Note that there are a couple of known issues with older save games that can't be fixed. See this thread for details: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3461#p35151
- The way portraits are stored and handled has changed. Pay attention to anything broken, especially in character generation, importing portraits and importing characters. Grey portraits with some older save games is a known issue, read this for more details: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3461#p35151
- Testing the Grimrock dungeon. Nothing beats a complete playthrough!

- Keeping an eye on general save game issues. The base game and mod dungeons have a slightly different way of storing save games, so testing both the main game and mods is important.
Again, thank you all for the help and support. Happy modding!