how to "action" when monster dies.

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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by Komag »

I tried cloning a snail into a "sick_snail", and I added the line

Code: Select all

onDie = diecounter:decrement()
but that doesn't work, so I tried:

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onDie = function()
    print("you got 'em")
but that doesn't work either. both ways give an error and won't load the dungeon
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by Shloogorgh »

I would try putting diecounter:decrement in a script entity within the game and change the onDie function to reference that so you can load and debug it:

Code: Select all

onDie = function()
    return sicksnail.diecounter()
    print("you got 'em")
then in game a script entity called sicksnail:

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function diecounter()
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by SpacialKatana »

Komag wrote:I tried cloning a snail into a "sick_snail", and I added the line

Code: Select all

onDie = diecounter:decrement()
but that doesn't work, so I tried:

Code: Select all

onDie = function()
    print("you got 'em")
but that doesn't work either. both ways give an error and won't load the dungeon
Had a similar problem a while back, a script with a counter:decrement() command in would not for love or money decrement the counter. Perhaps the problem is related, and the decrement() command is broken for scripts(ie only works from connecters) ???
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by Blichew »

Komag wrote:I tried cloning a snail into a "sick_snail", and I added the line

Code: Select all

onDie = diecounter:decrement()
but that doesn't work, so I tried:

Code: Select all

onDie = function()
    print("you got 'em")
but that doesn't work either. both ways give an error and won't load the dungeon
my guess would be your onDie = function() line instead of onDie = function(monster)
according to reference: onDie: a hook which is called when the monster dies. The function gets one parameter, the monster itself. If the function returns false, the monster is resurrected to life.

so, while overriding a hook you have to remember to use exact number of parameters (according to asset reference).

I hope this will work for you :)
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by Komag »

hmm, I tried some of that but it didn't work (got crashes of different types, now I can't quite remember exactly what I did or what crashes, should have keep better track!)

But I ended up with it working now. Part of the problem I had was that I have a counter named "diecounter" and that script was also named "diecounter", and it didn't like that, something about calling a global script name or something when I tried to decrement the counter. So I renamed the script, both in the cloneObject and in the script in the editor.

Here is my monsters.lua clone:

Code: Select all

	model = "mod_assets/models/monsters/snail_ben.fbx",
	name = "sick_snail",
	baseObject = "snail",
	health = 2,
	sight = 1,
	attackPower = 1,
	onDie = function(monster)
		return sickscript.snaildie()
and here is my script (named "sickscript") in the editor:

Code: Select all

function snaildie()
	print("you got 'em")
I still don't understand how parameters work or quite how the monsters.lua affects this sicksnail script, but it works just how I want now - the counter decrements and in turn triggers the actions I want to happen when the snail dies.
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by Komag »

small note, if I press K to kill the monster, the "you got 'em" prints to the console, but the counter doesn't get decremented. But if I actually attack and kill the snail, the "you got 'em works AND the counter decrements. Why on earth would the print work but not the decrement when pressing K?
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by Neikun »

Probably something related to how you don't get exp when you use k to kill
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by SpacialKatana »

Hmmm.....that could've been my problem before Komag, I was fast killing bosses to check stuff and using the 'k' method. Now, if I'd actually killed them properly maybe my counter would've worked via the decrement command in the script they fired from the death hook. Sheesh and I did a workaround for it....
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by Komag »

so really this is a bug, or maybe a feature request, but K to kill needs to act like real kills, so we don't always have to fully battle tough monsters we place just to test things fully
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Re: how to "action" when monster dies.

Post by SpacialKatana »

Not so much a bug...but an oversight I suppose :roll:
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