Useful scripts repository
Re: Useful scripts repository
Updated my script so that it puts the display on a wall in the direction of the script entities' facing.
Re: Useful scripts repository
Camera shake by Neikun
Note: shakeCamera(d,t) d is a number that controls degree of shaking & t is a number controlling the time duration of the shake.
Try decimal values <1 for a little shake and go >5 for end of the world stuff. Scripting reference says d can only be 0-1 but it can go >1.
Thanks to Ixnatifual for pointing this out.
Earthquake sound
However, this results in an endless loop of rumbling.
So, thanks to Neikun, you have to define a new sound which will rumble for 8-10 seconds then end abruptly:
Earthquake particle effect
Note: spawn(object, level, x, y, facing, [id])
Thanks to Lmaoboat's LED dungeon display code.
original thread for discussion/questions:
Camera shake by Neikun
Code: Select all
function scareshake()
Try decimal values <1 for a little shake and go >5 for end of the world stuff. Scripting reference says d can only be 0-1 but it can go >1.
Thanks to Ixnatifual for pointing this out.
Earthquake sound
Code: Select all
So, thanks to Neikun, you have to define a new sound which will rumble for 8-10 seconds then end abruptly:
Code: Select all
name = "earthquakestop",
filename = "assets/samples/env/earthquake_01.wav",
loop = false,
volume = 1,
minDistance = 1,
maxDistance = 6,
Code: Select all
spawn("fx", 1, 15, 15, 3, "dust")
Thanks to Lmaoboat's LED dungeon display code.
original thread for discussion/questions:
- Montis
- Posts: 340
- Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:25 am
- Location: Grimrock II 2nd playthrough (hard/oldschool)
Re: Useful scripts repository
3 scripts in one post:
I post these in one post since the character dialogue script uses the other two, but those might useful on their own as well.
Get the name of a random, living champion:
Get the lifesigns of the party, i.e. how many are currently alive:
Easy character dialogue:
(note that this will need the other two scripts present in the same script entity!)
Usage for the 3rd is that you call it from another script or through a hidden plate:
This would then output two champion names and result in something like:

- Get the name of a random, living champion
- Check how many champions are alive
- Easy character dialogue!
I post these in one post since the character dialogue script uses the other two, but those might useful on their own as well.
Get the name of a random, living champion:
Code: Select all
-- returns the name of a random living and not disabled champion
function getRandomLivingChamp()
local charnumber = ""
repeat charnumber = math.random(1,4)
until party:getChampion(charnumber):getEnabled() and party:getChampion(charnumber):isAlive()
return party:getChampion(charnumber):getName()
Code: Select all
-- returns how many characters are still alive and enabled
function checkLifeSigns()
local lifesigns = 0
for i=1,4 do
if party:getChampion(i):getEnabled() and party:getChampion(i):isAlive() then
lifesigns = lifesigns+1
return lifesigns
(note that this will need the other two scripts present in the same script entity!)
Code: Select all
-- lets two random champions talk with each other
-- if only one champion is alive, he will talk with himself
function champTalk(line1,line2,line3)
local firstTalker = getRandomLivingChamp()
local secondTalker = firstTalker
if line1 == nil then
hudPrint(firstTalker..": "..line1)
if line2 ~= nil then
if checkLifeSigns() > 1 then
repeat secondTalker = getRandomLivingChamp()
until secondTalker ~= firstTalker
hudPrint(secondTalker..": "..line2)
if line3 ~= nil then
hudPrint(firstTalker..": "..line3)
Code: Select all
function banter()
your_script_entity.champTalk("How are YOU doin'?", "Seriously? We're in the middle of a bloody dungeon!", "T'was worth a shot.")
Beware though: since the characters that talk are random, it might just be Mork chatting with SancsaronContar Stoneskull: How are YOU doin'?
Yennicka Whitefeather: Seriously? We're in the middle of a bloody dungeon!
Contar Stoneskull: Well... it was worth a shot.

Last edited by Montis on Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Useful scripts repository
Double Locks!
Paste into your objects.lua
This will give you a working lock that can be placed on the same wall as a regular lock, but this one will be above it.
Paste into your objects.lua
Code: Select all
name = "lock_high",
baseObject = "lock",
height = 1.743,
placement = "wall",
editorIcon = 20,
"I'm okay with being referred to as a goddess."
Community Model Request Thread
See what I'm working on right now: Neikun's Workshop
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Community Model Request Thread
See what I'm working on right now: Neikun's Workshop
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- Message me to join in!
Re: Useful scripts repository
Conditional Text walls.
Place text walls that change their content depending on a condition.
This one changes the text each time a pressure plate is activated:
Place a counter, a plate, Lua, and a Text Wall.
This script could even be modified for use in a combination lock. Change the texture for a custom wall text; make it look like a clockwork Rune display. change the text to reflect the state of the combination lock; IE = {"0-0-1", "0-0-2", 0-0-3, etc...}, or IE[1] = counter_1 .. "-" .. counter_2 .. "-" .. counter_3.
This one presents illegible text unless you have a Minotaur in your party who can read it.
Place a Text Wall, two Lua objects, a hidden pressure plate (directly in front of the text wall), set the wall's text to a default message for those who cannot read the text.
(Plate should be connected to both lua scripts.)
Place text walls that change their content depending on a condition.
This one changes the text each time a pressure plate is activated:
Place a counter, a plate, Lua, and a Text Wall.
Code: Select all
function activate()
if counter_1:getValue() == 5 then -- Change the number to match how many text strings that you use.
--[[ Optional place to put code for a trap
local Info = {"Stay off the plate!", "Stop That!", "You are going to regret this!", "One more time and it's Goodbye! You've been warned."}
This one presents illegible text unless you have a Minotaur in your party who can read it.
Place a Text Wall, two Lua objects, a hidden pressure plate (directly in front of the text wall), set the wall's text to a default message for those who cannot read the text.
(Plate should be connected to both lua scripts.)
Code: Select all
function activate()
for x = 1,4 do
local PCRace = party:getChampion(x):getRace()
local isLucid = party:getChampion(x):isAlive()
if PCRace == "Minotaur" and isLucid then
dungeon_wall_text_2:setWallText("The etherial wall is to the East.")
Code: Select all
function deactivated()
dungeon_wall_text_2:setWallText("This text is indecipherable")
Last edited by Isaac on Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Montis
- Posts: 340
- Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:25 am
- Location: Grimrock II 2nd playthrough (hard/oldschool)
Re: Useful scripts repository
Create a destructible tunnel blockage
Will also spawn a random amount of rocks when destroyed.
add the following to your objects.lua
Then simply place it in a tunnel.
original thread for discussion/questions:
Will also spawn a random amount of rocks when destroyed.
add the following to your objects.lua
Code: Select all
name = "destructible_cave_in",
baseObject = "dungeon_cave_in", -- you might want to change this to temple_cave_in or the prison one
brokenModel = "assets/models/env/floor_dirt.fbx", -- if anyone can find a better standard model for this, give me a shout
health = 50, -- adjust this to your needs
evasion = -1000,
hitEffect = "hit_dust",
hitSound = "impact_generic",
onProjectileHit = function()
return false -- projectiles (arrows and such) shouldn't be able to destroy it
onHit = false, -- this is used to negate the "indestructible" property
onDie = function(self)
-- when blockage is destroyed, spawn 2-5 rocks
rocks = math.random(1,4)+1
for i = 1,rocks do
spawn("rock", self.level, self.x, self.y, i%4)
- This will only look good from one direction. If you want to create a tunnel that is destructible from two sides, you have to add a script in the "onDie" function. Beware of infinite loops though.
original thread for discussion/questions:
Re: Useful scripts repository
Central Pillars
Copy this into your objects.lua for a pillar in the centre of a square.
Want other pillar styles?
NOTE: These are impassible and indestructible objects.
NOTE: You may have noticed that I've switched the editor icon from that of a pillar. This is to make it easier to understand where you've placed it.
Copy this into your objects.lua for a pillar in the centre of a square.
Code: Select all
name = "dungeon_pillar_center",
class = "Blockage",
model = "assets/models/env/dungeon_pillar.fbx",
placement = "floor",
repelProjectiles = true,
hitSound = "impact_blade",
editorIcon = 100,
Code: Select all
name = "prison_pillar_center",
class = "Blockage",
model = "assets/models/env/prison_pillar.fbx",
placement = "floor",
repelProjectiles = true,
hitSound = "impact_blade",
editorIcon = 100,
Code: Select all
name = "temple_pillar_center",
class = "Blockage",
model = "assets/models/env/temple_pillar.fbx",
placement = "floor",
repelProjectiles = true,
hitSound = "impact_blade",
editorIcon = 100,


NOTE: You may have noticed that I've switched the editor icon from that of a pillar. This is to make it easier to understand where you've placed it.
"I'm okay with being referred to as a goddess."
Community Model Request Thread
See what I'm working on right now: Neikun's Workshop
Lead Coordinator for Legends of the Northern Realms Project
Community Model Request Thread
See what I'm working on right now: Neikun's Workshop
Lead Coordinator for Legends of the Northern Realms Project
- Message me to join in!
Re: Useful scripts repository
Re-create the "Checkered Room" (for practice)
- set up nine pressure plates, and name them oddplate and evenplate like so:
odd1, even1, odd2
even2, odd3, even3
odd4, even4, odd5
- create a door named checkeredport
- create a script item Lua with the following code:
- then link each plate to the script with Event:any and Action:openport
Now, please don't put this exact puzzle in your dungeon, but it's still good practice to understand the setup and logic of it. Then you can adapt or change it to something unique for your situation.
original thread for discussion/questions:
- set up nine pressure plates, and name them oddplate and evenplate like so:
odd1, even1, odd2
even2, odd3, even3
odd4, even4, odd5
- create a door named checkeredport
- create a script item Lua with the following code:
Code: Select all
function openport()
oddplate1:isUp() and
oddplate2:isUp() and
oddplate3:isUp() and
oddplate4:isUp() and
oddplate5:isUp() and
evenplate1:isDown() and
evenplate2:isDown() and
evenplate3:isDown() and
oddplate1:isDown() and
oddplate2:isDown() and
oddplate3:isDown() and
oddplate4:isDown() and
oddplate5:isDown() and
evenplate1:isUp() and
evenplate2:isUp() and
evenplate3:isUp() and
Now, please don't put this exact puzzle in your dungeon, but it's still good practice to understand the setup and logic of it. Then you can adapt or change it to something unique for your situation.
original thread for discussion/questions:
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
Re: Useful scripts repository
Use a single timer's repeating signal to perform a series of events in a row
If I want to spawn 6 items over the course of 6 seconds, so each pops into view in sequence, 1 second apart, I can do it without scripts by using 6 timers, each set for 1 second, and each connected both to a spawner and to the next timer. Thus the full sequence occurs. But that's a lot of crap on the editor screen. A single script that can manage it all is cleaner:
example by antti
then connect "cooltimer" to the script with the "tick" function.
You can do anything you want in the steps above, such as opening or shutting doors or trapdoors (shutting the next one and opening the previous one), turning off or on teleporters in order, etc
original thread for discussion/questions:
If I want to spawn 6 items over the course of 6 seconds, so each pops into view in sequence, 1 second apart, I can do it without scripts by using 6 timers, each set for 1 second, and each connected both to a spawner and to the next timer. Thus the full sequence occurs. But that's a lot of crap on the editor screen. A single script that can manage it all is cleaner:
example by antti
Code: Select all
timecount = 1
function tick()
if timecount == 1 then
-- spawn object 1 here
elseif timecount == 2 then
-- spawn object 2 here
elseif timecount == 3 then
-- spawn object 3 here
elseif timecount == 4 then
-- spawn object 4 here
elseif timecount == 5 then
-- spawn object 5 here
elseif timecount == 6 then
-- spawn object 6 here and in this example it's the last object on our list)
-- so then we can loop back to the beginning here by uncommenting the next two lines if we want to:
-- timecount = 1
-- return
timecount = timecount + 1
You can do anything you want in the steps above, such as opening or shutting doors or trapdoors (shutting the next one and opening the previous one), turning off or on teleporters in order, etc
original thread for discussion/questions:
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
- Shloogorgh
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:24 am
Re: Useful scripts repository
Sacrificial Dagger script
The dagger demands a sacrifice and can be used to take a party member's life in order to complete the ritual. Use the dagger as a consumable item. You could always adjust it to merely damage the user instead of instant-kill them
The resultant dagger is then used as a piece in a puzzle, or you could change it to be a wand charge weapon (that demands another sacrifice when out of charges)
EDIT: original code largely obsolete due to implementation of emptyItem on the latest patch. Edited the code to show how it can be done easily now, if you wanna see the original struggle, check out the original thread at the bottom of the post
original thread for discussion/questions:
The dagger demands a sacrifice and can be used to take a party member's life in order to complete the ritual. Use the dagger as a consumable item. You could always adjust it to merely damage the user instead of instant-kill them
The resultant dagger is then used as a piece in a puzzle, or you could change it to be a wand charge weapon (that demands another sacrifice when out of charges)
EDIT: original code largely obsolete due to implementation of emptyItem on the latest patch. Edited the code to show how it can be done easily now, if you wanna see the original struggle, check out the original thread at the bottom of the post
Code: Select all
name = "sacrificial_dagger",
baseObject = "dagger",
uiName = "Sacrificial Dagger",
gfxIndex = 142,
model = "assets/models/items/assassin_dagger.fbx",
description = "Dark energy emanates from this ritualistic blade",
gameEffect = "Place against a comrade's throat to complete the dark ritual",
weight = 1.0,
emptyItem = "sacrificial_dagger_used",
onUseItem = function(self, champion)
champion:damage(10000, "physical")
hudPrint(champion:getName().." has been sacrificed.")
return true
name = "sacrificial_dagger_used",
baseObject = "dagger",
uiName = "Sacrificial Dagger",
gfxIndex = 142,
model = "assets/models/items/assassin_dagger.fbx",
description = "The essence of your comrade pulses within the blade",
attackPower = 10,
weight = 1.0,
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