I suppose I should read more carefully when I thank someone, but thanks again for sharing the gambling script. On Montis' and Xzalander's script above, I'm trying to change it to release a very deadly poison attack. I have this:Komag wrote:insta-death square
example by Montis and Xzalander
- script:- create a hidden plate that is ONLY triggered by the party (not monsters or items)Code: Select all
function instadeath() damageTile(party.level, party.x, party.y, party.facing, 128, "physical", 9001) hudPrint("You Foolish Adventurers, MWAHAHAHA!!!") end
- connect plate to script
- any number of plates can be similarly connected to the script
Code: Select all
function poisontrap()
damageTile(level, x, y, 3, bit 1, "poison", 1000)
hudPrint("A noxious gas fills the chamber!")
')' expected near '1'
Am I missing something or did I misread the reference?
damageTile(level, x, y, direction, flags, damageType, power)
Damages all creatures including the party in a given tile. direction specifies the direction of the attack for projectiles or melee attacks (0=north, 1=east, 2=south, 3=west). damageType must be one of the following: “physical”, “fire”, “poison”, “cold”, “poison”. Damage is rolled individually for all creatures using the power as base value. flags is a numeric bit field:
bit 0: monsters recoil from the impact
bit 1: ongoing damage such as poison cloud
bit 2: damage originated from champion with ordinal index 1
bit 3: damage originated from champion with ordinal index 2
bit 4: damage originated from champion with ordinal index 3
bit 5: damage originated from champion with ordinal index 4
bit 6: ignore immunities
bit 7: halve damage of back row party members