I start with completely new wallset and objects textures (stil in progress) for first 3 sewer levels.
Project should be designed so close to original game as possible, for all EOB lovers, retro-players...
- Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... d=95933537
- Nexus: http://grimrock.nexusmods.com/mods/20
- Homepage: http://www.oldgames.sk/en/blog.php?article=350 (non English - Slovak/Czech only)
Source code:
- GitHub: https://github.com/grimrock/eob1-waterdeep
Objectives of the project Waterdeep Sewers:
- identical game logic and puzzles
- 5x new wallset with hi-res textures on new models
- new textures (models) for objects (runes on the wall, decorations, etc...)
- items with equivalent characteristics, icons, models and textures
- enemies with equivalent characteristics, models and textures
- story line (cutscenes)
- character statistics, and skills so close as possible to original AD&D
- spells
- NPCs and interaction
- more...
Authors and contributors:
- DJ - primary author (http://www.oldgames.sk)
- JKos - Spellmaster, LoG Framework, EOB Spells
- Thomson - maintenance and minor additions
- Bifrost, Thomson - map generator from original EOB, objects, items
- Tom - texture modifications

Project started with Grimrock Dungeon Editor beta - September/2012
... and of course please excuse my bad english
