Editor documentation questions

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Editor documentation questions

Post by ikki »

None of the existing topics concentrated on the editor documentation, so I made a new topic.

The script reference says this about altars:
Altars share the same scripting API with Alcoves. The only difference is that an alcove is a wall item while an altar is placed in the middle of a cell.
Yet trying to call setActivateAlways(true) on an altar causes an error ("attempt to call a nil value"). In the editor GUI the setting is present on alcove, but not on altar.

The second line in this script will cause the error:

Code: Select all

Is this a factual error in the documentation, or should altar support setActiveAlways()?
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Re: Editor documentation questions

Post by antti »

ikki wrote:Is this a factual error in the documentation, or should altar support setActiveAlways()?
Yes, the altars should support the same functionality as alcoves do. The activate always property is a relatively new feature so this must have passed under our radars. Thanks for pointing it out. :)
Steven Seagal of gaming industry
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