Oh for sure, it's like the cockroach or fly on the screen shtick. It's gross, but it's still only a simulation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaT-WoKSMXMSol_HSA wrote:Some years back I made an ant simulator. Each 'ant' was a 4x4 pixel sprite (actually a rendered single-colored stretched box, but at that resolution who can tell the difference?). The movement was based on a simple "marching ants" equation (basically, pick a more or less random choice of move forward, turn left or turn right, and repeat - my version was a bit more complex than that since they traced smells and such, but that's the basics..)ShatteredCiv wrote:Okay, after reading a few posts in this thread, I have to chime in... The spiders are realistic? LMAO!
Anyway, result was, my wife who hates ants was physically creeped out.
So it doesn't really matter how unrealistic something is, as long as it manages to pull the right strings in your head.
This creeps me out too - but would I be physically scared or repulsed by it? Naw, *I* wouldn't be. I am not speaking for anyone, just myself, and the original poster of the quote I quoted.