Optional turn-based mode?

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Re: Optional turn-based mode?

Post by Ext3h »

I don't think the engine suites any kind of turn based system. Problem is, that a turn based system needs to offer you far more informations about your enviroment and possible moves in order to create a decent challenge.

This includes (but is not limited to) 360° view, free targeting for ranged attacks and movements / melee attacks to all 8 adjacent fields. The first two can not be achieved with the current engine, at least not without abusing the camera in a rather counterintuitive way.

Also not all actions can be treated the same in terms of time needed and cooldown and you can't go with the classic "either attack or move" either since all your characters form a single unit. This would probably result in a mess of interweaved move-, attack- and other actions of player characters, NPCs and world entities alike. Like HoM, just a far more confusing from the players point of view.
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Re: Optional turn-based mode?

Post by Rya.Reisender »

I think you guys are thinking too complex. There are plenty of players that just don't want a "reaction challenge" at all. The whole real time battle system is a problem for me too. I don't mind having to click the attacks as fast as possible but dodging at the same time as well? This is really hard. For my father it's impossible and yeah no "anyone can learn it", well I can tell you for sure that my father will rather quit it than learning it. =p

Though I'll set it to "Easy" for now, let's see if you can beat the game at that difficulty anyway.

Why are there so many people here saying that it won't work for this game? Seriously, you might like how challenging it is (and nobody is asking to remove the challenge anyway, just add an optional mode), but some people like their challenge more in exploration and solving puzzles and doing complicated battle maneuvers. A turn-based mode certainly wouldn't ruin the game for me but rather make it more fun. I hope the developer considers it in future releases. ^^
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Re: Optional turn-based mode?

Post by Jirodyne »

Rya.Reisender wrote:Why are there so many people here saying that it won't work for this game?
Well, this is why I don't think it will work... Lets take... the tunnel Ogre with 500hp for example... You have an average party... of 2 fighters, both 130hp, a rogue with 60hp, and a mage with 30hp... Nice round numbers to keep it simple... So then... Tunnel Ogre's turn... and swings for 90 dmg. Your turn, you hit for about 160. It hits again and your wounded fighter dies. You hit again and do only 110 dmg. Ogre attacks, crits for 140, and kills the other fighter now. You decide to move one block back to run away. It uses Charge and now Rogue and Mage dies too..... ...... ...... and you later have to fight 3-5 of those ogres at once in one room.... Turn base is so nice! :D

Real-Time, you can move behind enemies and remain safe. Turn-base, you are ALWAYS going to get hit and take damage, no matter what you do. You can never outrun enemies, can when you move 1 block away, the enemies moves into the block you just left... and keeps doing that... again and again, until you stopped. all puzzles based on timing are useless since they would require you move to the next part in so many turns, and easily can go directly there in the lowest amount of turns to get there by counting how many spaces you need to move. You can no longer avoid any traps, since they trigger on the turn you move.

Floor... 9 was it? with the lightning corridor? How would you like it if EVERY square you moved down there, you get hit with Lightning? The old games had turn base, cause they were built that way. This game wasn't built that way, and it wouldn't work at all, in any way, shape, or form. It sure as heck wouldn't make it easy.
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Re: Optional turn-based mode?

Post by 5hassay »

A lot more difficult to do than you'd think, I believe.

My knowledge limits me to saying that you'd have to edit the .exe file, which means you'd have to either decompile it (not always possible) to the source code, or get the source code, both of which are no no's on the terms of use of the game, to edit it.
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Re: Optional turn-based mode?

Post by Komag »

The current game simply couldn't be done turn-based I believe, and there is just no realistic way to have a turn based "option" for these types of dungeons/battles/puzzles. But if the dungeon were designed to be turn based from the start, it could work I suppose, but would be a whole different game that wouldn't be as good I think.
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Re: Optional turn-based mode?

Post by majormass »

gambit37 wrote:
"I love Chess, but it's too hard, can we change the rules?"
"I love football, but it's a bit too fast for me, can we slow it down?"
"I love [this thing], but only if it's changed to suit [my way of playing]"

While I can understand younger children having some problems with timing, it's nothing they can't overcome with sheer practice. Back in my day we actually, you know, learned how beat games by practising them. We didn't wail that they were too hard and ask for them to be changed.

You will be doing your cousins a huge favour by encouraging them to practice and get better at the game. The lesson learned will not only be valuable in Mount Grimrock, but also in life.
kinda ridiculous mindset.
considering that both american football and football, has done just that threw out history changed the rule to make it more fun and less dangerous, and now we aren't talking about a game that have no competitive aspect of it at all, and a mode in that runs turn based would not effect other user at all.

Personally I like challenge myself and is big part why I play games, but my lvl of enjoyable challange isn't the same as everyone else. Some will have higher and some lower, by your logic everything could be at one lvl and you could net have nothing by hard, and most likely the most hardcore player is far better then you and me. Should not so many as possible be able to enjoy a good game, if not that includes you because you are more then likely not the best gamer.

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Re: Optional turn-based mode?

Post by Komag »

majormass wrote:... a mode in that runs turn based would not effect other user at all. ...
I'm not one to argue on chat boards, but I think this is where there is a mistake. If this was true then I would have no problem including a turn based system. But it's not like they can just flip a switch and have a fully functional turn based system in operation, balanced for the entire game, when the whole design from the ground up is centered around a real-time system. It would be a whole new game they would have to make. So the way it affects the other user is that we would get a hampered version due to the developers having to divide their focus and attention.
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Re: Optional turn-based mode?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

There is no need to argue about this anymore. AH already made it clear in their dev blog that turn-based is not the way LoG will go.

Beside that "majormass" necro'd an 18 month old thread for his 1st post. With far more current posts on the already dropped turn-based matter within the LoG 2 discussion area this could actually be intelli-spam.
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