Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stonekeep

Talk about creating Grimrock 1 levels and mods here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by dna »

Laphtiya wrote:I never did manage to finish it.
first level : a lot of tries to figures 'theses' objects are root and will cure me... died tenth of times before this.

4th level took me a lot of tries to figure there was a illusionary wall...

then i was completly and irrevocably stucked in the part when i had to use one of the planet orbs to float upstair (this one was hard, i don't remember anything in the game or manual saying the planets have powers, and more important that one of the planet makes you float)

lastly was in the last room, where i need to order the orbs.. but was not able to figures wich corresponding to what planet.. ultimate fail, was never motivated to start again. CD losted...

May be i will visitate GoG if i can get enough time, or get enough bored of current games.
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by Gudadantza »

The remake of Stonekeep should be one of the hardest elections to create an accurate spirit and feeling of the original due to technical characteristics of the game: FMV, Digitized characters, animations...

Respecting to the walls, light, art design... dungeons, etc, maybe could be the most accurate due to the similarities with the art design in LoG.


Off topic:

I´d love to see a cosmetic but elegant feature in mods. When you choose another set or campaign the menu and animation changes accordingly to show the new mod, set or dungeon.. No idea how hard it would be to implement but the result would be great and polished.

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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by wolflevaillant »

Thats 'a good idea.
I still have my original CD but as i'ts too complex for me to run it on W7 64bits, i bought english version on GoG and french version on DotEmu.
I still play both version at this time.
The only thing i would like is : could someone make a HD version of Stonekeep like they recently did with Dungeon Master .
If LoG's source engine could generate a HD version of Stonekeep, it will be nice.

But the ultimate RPG game to translate with LoG's source engine is for me BLACK CRYPT on Amiga. I have wait for years for a PC version that never comes.

Waiting for the editor to be available for modding.

I hope also that LoG is to be continuous... But when i see the entire world map, i'm sure there will be a number 2.

To the developpers, good job, i really felt the same pleasure with LoG as the first time i've spend all nights long playing Dungeon Master on my Atari ST.
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by dna »

wolflevaillant wrote:Thats 'a good idea.
I still have my original CD but as i'ts too complex for me to run it on W7 64bits, i bought english version on GoG and french version on DotEmu.
thanks for the french version
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by mabd »

Oh, this would just be fantasitic! I really loved that game. But it seems to me too that it would be very very hard, specially the characters? But I guess simply trying would be rewarding and just seeing those old golden walls would be great!
jlariviere wrote:Awesome!
I love Stonekeep; still have my original CD & Books...
Books? what books!? My copy isn't really old, barely came with a manual :( (or do you just mean the manual? I remember Zork Nemesis came with an awesome little book... games back then! :mrgreen: )
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by jlariviere »

mabd wrote:Oh, this would just be fantasitic! I really loved that game. But it seems to me too that it would be very very hard, specially the characters? But I guess simply trying would be rewarding and just seeing those old golden walls would be great!
jlariviere wrote:Awesome!
I love Stonekeep; still have my original CD & Books...
Books? what books!? My copy isn't really old, barely came with a manual :( (or do you just mean the manual? I remember Zork Nemesis came with an awesome little book... games back then! :mrgreen: )
The CD, Manual, and Thera Awakening Novella
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by mabd »

jlariviere wrote:The CD, Manual, and Thera Awakening Novella
aw, man. If only I could have found it here when it first came out. thanks for the reply
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by Disasterrific »

Heh, looking at videos online, Stonekeep has aged badly. I enjoyed it a lot and played through to the end but in some ways it left me disappointed. I messed up and attacked the dragon and had to restart from the beginning which left a sour taste too...
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by insaneslug »

I've been thinking of making a remake for a while what is the level editor that is being released? And would gourmet like a partner I sent you a message on the other forum post but have forgotten my login name lol. I'm a texture and 3d model artist but have had some experience in coding in basic and c ++. Hit me back on the email address I sent you into the other message.
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Re: Legend of GrimKeep - A Grimrock remake of the 1995 Stone

Post by Komag »

remakes can be fun for a little while, but I prefer original projects/stories/puzzles. Remaking maybe a few of the maps but then altering them might be more fun.
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
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