Thels wrote:However, I think it would be nice if the casual player can trust the dungeon that he can happily make his way up or down the dungeon without purposely jumping down every single hole and not miss out on any loot or special treasure for doing so, not unless there was clear information that there's something to gain from jumping down a specific pit.
I don't think any pit should be a dead end. Sure, we can load and save, but having to rely on that quite breaks the suspension of disbelief. I do think we should be able to continue the game from any point without getting ourselves stuck (with the exception of course of being surrounded by monsters while health is getting low).
Ok. These 2 points.
First one. Every game that has side stories, side plots, side ideas, anything outside of the main area.... Always has secrets and more stuff. That is the REASON to go out and explore and not just follow the main story/quest/areas alone. You CAN go through the game from beginning to end and never find any secret except the ones needed to progress the level. But will be weaker and less prepared. Side areas, like down in the pits, are meant for extra stuff. The player decides to explore those area. They take time out of their quest for madness and power, to explore something new, think outside the box even.... and you don't want them rewarded for it?
What about the players that DO want an edge in the game? It's not completionists we need to talk about. They will do everything and anything. But a casual player does not HAVE to jump down the pit, to win. They get an edge, extra potions, better equipment, and stuff. If they can get all of it by completing the main story..... Then what is the POINT of the side areas? Like you said, only completionists would go down them then, and they won't get ANYTHING for it! not even an achievement.
This is basically what your saying. Ahem.... A player has a choice, go down set easy path of the main, or explore and go down the hard path. Those that go down the hard path however, will not be rewarded in any way, a waste of time, and would be common sense to ignore those ideas that the creator of the dungeon worked extra time into in making.
Onward to the second part.... If the players can trust the dungeon, and know there is no challenge, you the creator are doing something wrong. A dungeon, in every sense of the word, means danger, reward, mystery, death, and excitement. If they aren't dieing at least once every 30 mins, where is the fun?! Also they will never learn. Especially the idea of saving often and in different slots. They won't learn that, if nothing makes them learn it.