Thels wrote:
Perhaps if the mod replaces the current races by Elves, Dwarves and Orcs, that could work. However, the Elf would appear quite peculiar next to the current races, which are all quite different from each other. The differences between a human and elf are only minor.
I wanted an Elven Mage so I just used Elf artwork and selected an Insectoid, perfect really.
Indeed. Races are fine. Want a different one, pick the race closest to it, and then change the port! xD
You have to get used to mooing dwarves and to elves that make that bug-like croak when get hurt, but apart from that it works fine
I think it would be nice to implement a "user" folder for the environment and gameplay changing mods. They could create a subfolder in the directory called "Mods" then allow additional "user" folders within the Mods folder that can contain "overrides" for LUA scripts and other environment files. When you load the game, you'll see a list of mods on a Mods option. Pick the mod and all of its overrides will activate. This should allow isolation of large scale changes.