Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
Hi Almosthumans,
I followed your RSS feed for a long time, hoping for a Mac OS X port in the near future. Today's post on the blog does not sound like it is even in the pipeline, which makes me VERY sad.
It's sad because it seems that Mac and Linux users are willing to pay more (if you observe the statistics of recent Humble Bundles). And it's especially sad because most indie games nowadays run on all three platforms.
I created this thread to (hopefully) collect all the mourning voices of people who bought the game in hope of a Mac OS X / Linux port or have not yet bought it due to the lack of support for these platforms.
I followed your RSS feed for a long time, hoping for a Mac OS X port in the near future. Today's post on the blog does not sound like it is even in the pipeline, which makes me VERY sad.
It's sad because it seems that Mac and Linux users are willing to pay more (if you observe the statistics of recent Humble Bundles). And it's especially sad because most indie games nowadays run on all three platforms.
I created this thread to (hopefully) collect all the mourning voices of people who bought the game in hope of a Mac OS X / Linux port or have not yet bought it due to the lack of support for these platforms.
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
I'm a Mac user myself (I'm typing this on my MBA) and I would definitely like to see Grimrock running on OSX.

I'm a Mac user myself (I'm typing this on my MBA) and I would definitely like to see Grimrock running on OSX.
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:15 am
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
I agree as well. I would love to see a linux client. I would even buy the game again to get the linux version, though it does play well in wine.
I would also like to add that this is an awesome game. I've been dying for a Dungeon Master/Eye of the Beholder type game for years. What took so long?
I would also like to add that this is an awesome game. I've been dying for a Dungeon Master/Eye of the Beholder type game for years. What took so long?

Archlinux FTW!
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:29 am
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
Just registered to say that I am been waiting for a Linux version to buy the game.
- Professor Marcus
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:26 pm
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
I hear you, Racha - that's exactly how I feel as well. In the very beginning of coverage for LOG I was actually under the impression, that an iOS version would come first, followed by a Mac OS X and a Windows version.
People are suggesting that one should buy the Windows version of LOG and play that one via BootCamp, but that's - at least in my opinion - totally besides the point. I prefer a native OS X version and will ONLY buy that one (and of course I'll double-dip when an iOS port will be made available).
I know, my voice doesn't count for much, but how else should I encourage developers to work on native OS X ports of their games? Certainly not by buying the Windows version and playing via Boot Camp, Wine, Parallels, Crossover Games, etc.
So, Almosthumans, I'm not asking for nor am I demanding an OS X port of LOG - it's not my place to do such a thing and would be totally inappropriate - but It'd be a great, great thing and you'd make a Mac user very happy if you'd decide to work on a Mac port of LOG.
In the meantime another great RPG-series will certainly help me endure the wait - the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, which has already been announced for iOS and Mac OS X.
People are suggesting that one should buy the Windows version of LOG and play that one via BootCamp, but that's - at least in my opinion - totally besides the point. I prefer a native OS X version and will ONLY buy that one (and of course I'll double-dip when an iOS port will be made available).
I know, my voice doesn't count for much, but how else should I encourage developers to work on native OS X ports of their games? Certainly not by buying the Windows version and playing via Boot Camp, Wine, Parallels, Crossover Games, etc.
So, Almosthumans, I'm not asking for nor am I demanding an OS X port of LOG - it's not my place to do such a thing and would be totally inappropriate - but It'd be a great, great thing and you'd make a Mac user very happy if you'd decide to work on a Mac port of LOG.

In the meantime another great RPG-series will certainly help me endure the wait - the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, which has already been announced for iOS and Mac OS X.

- Posts: 14
- Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:48 pm
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
I'll add my voice here for support of other formats. I'm a staunch linux user and have been for the majority of two decades. I had posted another post here about buying the Linux version when it came out. I quietly relented and bought a copy on gog, and ran it under wine. I'm 99% done the game, well I haven't attempted to play it for weeks now because I can't find the fourth item to finish the last .. level =).
In short, I would buy another copy if a Linux version came out (Mac and Linux base technologies don't differ all that much).
Aside from all that, I never did thank you guys for the amazing work you put into reviving this genre. Thank you.
In short, I would buy another copy if a Linux version came out (Mac and Linux base technologies don't differ all that much).
Aside from all that, I never did thank you guys for the amazing work you put into reviving this genre. Thank you.
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
just signed up to the forums to cast my vote with ya! Ive been following this game since before it came out, secretly hoping for a Mac release. Ive noticed lately that most indie games are becoming compatible with various OSs, not to mention the fact that steam now works with mac is bringing a good few large scale games to the mac format, as well. Just sayin' would make me ludicrously happy to have LoG on my Macbook Pro, bringing it with me wherever i go.
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- Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:42 pm
- Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
I purchased Grimrock pre-release and though that an official native Mac port would be following soon after launch, there is definitely a demand for this!
I purchased Grimrock pre-release and though that an official native Mac port would be following soon after launch, there is definitely a demand for this!
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
I hold out for a Mac version, or news thereof, for almost a month after release. Then I succumbed to the greatness that is Legend of Grimrock and bought the Windows version, played it using Wine in a window.
Would be interesting to know how many of the Windows copies of games sold are actually Mac gamers jumping through hoops?
I hold out for a Mac version, or news thereof, for almost a month after release. Then I succumbed to the greatness that is Legend of Grimrock and bought the Windows version, played it using Wine in a window.
Would be interesting to know how many of the Windows copies of games sold are actually Mac gamers jumping through hoops?
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:42 pm
- Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
Re: Lack of support for Mac OS X / Linux
I couldn't get it to work via Wine, have had to resort to Bootcamp, but I don't want to have to reboot just to play itPeyloW wrote:+1
I hold out for a Mac version, or news thereof, for almost a month after release. Then I succumbed to the greatness that is Legend of Grimrock and bought the Windows version, played it using Wine in a window.
Would be interesting to know how many of the Windows copies of games sold are actually Mac gamers jumping through hoops?

How did you get it working in Wine?