That said, I found the armor skills mostly useless, and this was depressing to say the least. By the end of the game my full plate clad fighter could tank some weaker enemies but she couldn't stand toe-to-toe with the heavy-hitting ogres and guardians (?), unless you like canned meat. Maybe if I put most points into the armor skill and forgot about doing damage she could tank, but then what use would she have been against magic users?
Currently I'm replaying the game with 4 insectoid mages. Earth/Staff and Air/Staff in front row, plus Fire/Spellcasting and Ice/Spellcasting in the back. Exciting, but memorizing all the spells was annoying and the novelty of entering runes for every spell cast turned into something very tedious. By dungeon level 6, it became more like a reflex; 2x2 strafing crabs and an ogre while casting spells and watching 4 magic meters is feasible, but I still mess up occasionally and poison blast my own party. Heh. The party does fine with most encounters. I have all spells and all 4 damage boost perks now. Crabs fall in 1-2 rounds. Getting cornered is certain death, so I must pick my battles wisely and pay attention to the environment. This playstyle brings new challenges; it's not too easy for me.
Next time I think I will try offensive rogues in the back and defensive fighters in the front, just to see what happens.