Need a rock - can I spawn one?
Need a rock - can I spawn one?
This is an awesome game, but unfortunately I am stuck on level 9/10 the riddle room, because I am missing a rock. I have now walked all the way back to level 3 and cannot find any of the rocks I have used or thrown along the way. Is there any way to spawn a new one, or am I doomed to wander Grimrock until I can chip a piece off a wall?
- montagneyaya
- Posts: 103
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2012 11:08 pm
Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
On the pressure plate you can leave any object, not necessarily rock (torch for exemple) !
Door on floor placement:
Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
I posted almost word for word the same reply until I realized he was referring to the four-item puzzle, not the checkered room, and deleted it.montagneyaya wrote:On the pressure plate you can leave any object, not necessarily rock (torch for exemple) !

Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
thanks, finally found one on level three!
I do think Tar Bead was a better answer though!
I do think Tar Bead was a better answer though!
Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
Hey BenWH,
Well done for finding one! Some people have ragequit over this puzzle!
Well done for finding one! Some people have ragequit over this puzzle!

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
BenWH, why have you go back to level 3 if rock is available on level 9?! Do you think developers would make a puzzle that would require backtracking six levels? All items needed in this puzzle are available in level 9, except one that is available on level 8.
Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
Merethif, well I guess BenWH missed that one. Only reason there could be really!

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
there is a rock on that level but seeing as,by this time the normal player disregards useless items we(or i)personally go back to where i definatly knew there was a rock(for me that was also level 3 where i used pressure plate to get anti poison bracelet.
it seemed better to go back where i KNEWi could find one than search every part of every map hoping.
its a horrible weak puzzle almost universally slated,the only reason you knew the rock was on that level was due to being familiarised with it.
it seemed better to go back where i KNEWi could find one than search every part of every map hoping.
its a horrible weak puzzle almost universally slated,the only reason you knew the rock was on that level was due to being familiarised with it.
Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
This particular rock is very significant because it serves as a paperweight for a Toorum Note. Others notes are not pinned by rocks and this fact should generally make player more aware of its presence. Especially that this note says about earthquakes so it is really difficult not to think about that rock. This is sort of mnemonic trick actually.waylander wrote:There is a rock on that level but seeing as,by this time the normal player disregards useless items we(or I)personally go back to where I definatly knew there was a rock(for me that was also level 3 where I used pressure plate to get anti poison bracelet.
It seemed better to go back where I KNEW I could find one than search every part of every map hoping.
its a horrible weak puzzle almost universally slated,the only reason you knew the rock was on that level was due to being familiarised with it.
As you pointed out a normal player rarely remember all those useless rocks on the way, but personally I think that rock on level 9 is a different story and developers put some effort to make player aware of it. Beside finding low level item on level 9 should make player at least bit suspicious.
Plus that rock is really just before the puzzle room (after Pillared Hallway).
Somewhat off topic grumbles:
Recently I've bought Diablo3. I really enjoyed original Diablo (finished game with all 4 characters) and though I was disappointed with D2 I've decided to give D3 a go. So far it's not that bad as D2, but it's not awesome either so I'm still playing more LoG or Spiral Knights then D3.
Anyway, what I have noticed so far is an overwhelming feeling I'm being led by the hand and I'm playing some sort of CRPG for Dummies. The quests are linear and I have big pulsing circles/arrows showing where I have to go to proceed. Important quest items are invisible (like crown of Leoric) so I'm not able to "not pick up" item that is necessary to proceed. In original Diablo at least I had to pick up quest items and put it into my inventory (like Ogden's tavern sign, deamon's brain or black mushroom). It's not really game-breaking so far, and I really don't mind games for younger kids like D3, but I don't want seeing whole game industry focusing on kids game - there are other targets too. That's why I will be defending LoG as great alternatives for a mainstream, even though I may be called fanboy. Or rather fancodger.
Re: Need a rock - can I spawn one?
i went through diablo 3 on normal and died twice but on nighmare halway through things get tough(trust me your only babied on normal but you need it for later levels),my shots are 1500 a go and in the raz ghulle(or whoever level) there are immortals who can kill you in 2 shots but it take 50 shots just to kill one of the 10,i cant imagine infermo.
LOG on hardest settings wearing a pair of underpants and wielding a torch would be a walk in the park compared to later levels of diablo 3.
LOG on hardest settings wearing a pair of underpants and wielding a torch would be a walk in the park compared to later levels of diablo 3.