Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

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Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by cawldyr »

I am just entering Lvl 10 and i know, that the Grimrock-Experience will be over soon.

I am not that kind of guy, who plays games over and over again, but i am looking forward to the future of Grimrock.

But for now, I need something new/old in a similar Style.

As a Kid/Teen i played through EOB, Dungeon Master, Lands of Lore and most of the other Dungeon-Crawlers.
Black Crypt is AN Option, because this Game was so damn hard, i never completed it.
Oh, and the Ishar-Trilogy comes to my mind, as well as Fate-Gates of Dawn.
But these Games are hardly playable nowadays.

Are there other Games in this Vein?
Some Indie-Stuff maybe?

I´ve got Orcs&Elves and Deadly Dungeons on my phone and they seem to be pretty nice.
But, I like my PC and maybe, one of you knows a Game, that is more or less like Grimrock - Old-School-Dungeon-Crwaling with a modern Twist.
The only game I found, is "Devil Whiskey", but it is more like "Bard´s Tale" with better Graphics.

Any suggestions? :)
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Re: Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by Thels »

DosBox can help you run most of those oldies, if LoG didn't spoil you too much.

In addition, you can wait and hope that some high quality custom dungeons will see the light of day.
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Re: Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by Callipygous »

There's a nice list of options in this thread over in the Grimrock forum on Steam:
Jonesing for more dungeons? A list of similar games ;-)

I've been playing Avernum: Escape from the Pit. I mainly started playing it because, well, (a) it has dungeon crawler features and (b) $10 on steam. How the hell can I go wrong for $10. I mean, it would have to burn out my hard drive or infect my computer or drain my bank accounts ... you get the idea. I've been slowly working my way into. For the first few levels I wasn't finding it to be much of a draw. After getting a few levels on my characters and seeing a few of dungeons past the initial 3-4 beginner dungeons I'm finding it a bit more enjoyable. The dungeons are looking a bit more complex and the combat is getting more interesting. Its definitely not as addictive as Grimrock was, at least not for me. But, if you are looking for a decent dungeon crawler I think this one fits the bill especially for the low price tag.
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Re: Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by Brodie301 »

If you like horror try amnesia
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Re: Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by nblackburn »

I definitely would recommend Amnesia: Dark Decent ( but it's not for the faint hearted...
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Re: Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by dna »

if you don't care about graphics, i can recommand you Albion.
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Re: Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by cawldyr »

Thanks for all the suggestions and for the link to the Steam forum.

I´ll check out your recommendations.
Amnesia and Avernum look very interesting and i liked Albion back then.
So, i´ll check out DosBox and winUae too :)

BTW: I found Stonekeep on GOG, never played it, but i looks very promising.
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Re: Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by Nixheb »

I don't know if it's wise to post this here... but since that somebody asked what to play * next *, I can propose something.

I have to say that it's - IMHO - a masterpiece, with absolutely no challenger of any kind. I mean, I loved dungeon master, I dreamt of EOB2 catacombs... but nothing blew my brain more than Conflux.
Graphics are a little bit outdated, but if you can stand them, I bet that you will enjoy the best (and hardest !) dungeon crawling experience - ala Dungeon Master - of your life.

Enjoy it here :

It's the Dwarf Fortress of dungeon-crawling !
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Re: Nearly finished Grimrock - What to play next?

Post by zalewapl »

dna wrote:if you don't care about graphics, i can recommand you Albion.
high tech and magic, med fan and sci-fi, 3d person and iso 3d
Huh? Albion had great graphics. Sure, the 3D engine was already outdated by its time, but the 2D artwork and both drop-down views are outstanding. Not to mention the unique setting and the background information the characters provide on the world they live in. The main story is a bit flawed but my suspicion is that it's because the plot was changed in the later phase of development and there was no time left to fix everything.

The combat is broken, though. If you take your time to train your characters and stock up on healing potions before you continue the journey then it becomes almost impossible to lose in a battle. And that is even if you choose not to use the game breaker spells (Frost Avalanche, Demon Exodus, etc.)
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