Hello, first I enourmously enjoyed LoG and I'm also very excitated about the revival of the dungeon crawler genre, triggered by you! Thank you devs, best release for me since years.
As this seems to be the most appropriate thread (I found) for bugreports, here are some glitches and bugs I noticed in LoG, which could be ironed out in a next patch, to make LoG even a little bit better. While I tried here to distinguish between really unintended glitches and bugs vs design decisions of the devs (which are out of debate), there are border cases. So, please pardon me if I stepped to far or even misenterpretted the system and possibilities. My setup is: winxp, LoG1.1.4 (gog version), graphic card radeon Hd 3600, quality on maximum (shadow one down), Monitor 24" BenQ G2420HDB DVI ET-0027-B (contrast 20%, brightness 11%, just checked), no special settings in the graphic card driver
First problem, approx. every 10th load the wall textures seems to be messed up, a reload or a switch to another application fixes this usually (HW problem on my side? someone else with this problem? -> JackArchers problem looks similar:
viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2531 , also this:
Another graphical glitch, maybe related to caching/dynamically loading of textures on demand, sometimes the "backside" of walls seems to be missing so one can look through, most obvious if the other side has a light source. Here, the wall to the light source is 2 tiles thick so even if we assume an existing crack, it's unlikly that the prisoners would be able to see the torch (glitch is in middle of picture, "red flame through crack").
Maybe this is also related to the reported problem ( not fixed in 1.1.4 was able to reproduce it see picture below) that sometimes secret walls can be identified by some shine through of light on the floor or ceiling. (CaspianRoach
A glitch where the light crawls around corners can be seen in next picture.
A graphical glitch which also touches the game mechanic a little bit is the handling of attacking of enemy through an open/closing door. As you can see in the linked example picture (
http://i49.tinypic.com/i3fm2w.png) enemies which are attacking through a closing door, overlapping in a "glitchy", unrealistic way with the door. Also, no collision is to see. I'm aware that this might be hard to fix. Maybe an approach would be implement an additional check on "close door" functionality, if an attack is going on in this moment, the door should close only to 5-10% and than reopen, maybe even hurting the enemy. (The most consequent (but I presume, way to demanding) fix would be an DM door-mechanic system, doors are a tile instead of being between 2 tiles.)
Another "graphical glitch" which I consider an "immersion" bug, the dungeon is plainly to bright without any lightsource (see picture below). While there are indications that this was intended, there are also indications that it should not be like that. First, I'm not suffering from this color-banding bug (
viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2031&p=21537&hilit=banding#p21537) and therefore considering my monitor brightness level as at least normal if not darker than commonly usal (I'm a fan of really, really black borders on movies, as indication). Therefore, I consider this (see picture below) brigthness level without torch or lightspell or minotaurean or insectoid "cat-eyes" as to high. Indications that this is intended, is the brightness adaption effect after burning out of torches. What is for me an indication that this is not intended, is the amount of detail which was game-mechanical wise was invested in possiblities for providing light for the prisoners: torches, which have an life time, light and darkness spells, orbs with blue shimmering... etc. Therefore I consider this a bug, as there was no need in increasing the light level any further by torches or spell. I was able to see the same distance and other advantages in having more light seems not to exist (hit-chance etc., perception). In the below shown picture I selected only humans to exclude potential hidden "cat eye abilities" of the other races, also selceted old-school and hard mode. Conclusion, the same brightness as in normal mode with the predefined prisoner group. How to fix that? Here an idea: At least in the hard mode, if there is no light source nearby, make the dungeon really frightening pitch-black, zero brightness. In normal mode reduce the line of sight to 1 tile and half the brigthness... and maybe apply some malus on the hit-accuracy in dependency of the light level would be also an intuitive addition (or reduce the accuracy of enemies exposed to much light, many of the them should be pretty adapted to darkness).
Related to above, as an eye adaption effect on the darkness is modeled in the game, it's surprising that the opposite situation is not: adaption from full darkness to the brightness of a full burning torch should blend the prisoners somewhat.
Game mechanic wise, I found it surprising counterintuitive that the grating doors allow to put manually something through (e.g. for puzzles, putting a stone on floor trigger) but the chances for an arrow to fly through (or also poison cloud spell or an dagger stab) is 0%. I'm not sure, if having a hit through chance of approx. 20-40% would dis-balance the game mechanics, but at least it would feel more intuitive. If implemented, the chance should also depend on dex, this would also enstrengthen the importance of dex. Another more demanding solution would be the significant reducation of space between the bars of the grating doors but such significant content addaption might be out of scope. Overall, I'm not sure what here is the right solution, the actual situation feels just not "round"and correct.
Another small one, maybe also an exploit reducation, the damage of directly thrown items seems at least for some items unreasonable. I was surprised that I was able to apply damage overall by throwing notes (a piece of paper, not the scroll version!) at enemies. Maybe some strong proportional relationship between weight and damage should be modeled, e.g.
floor(item_weight_ in_kg/2)= max_potentially_damage or similiar, you know surly a better approach. Also, the character which throws (which gets a cooldown on direct throwing), don't seems to suffer the weight . For example, if one character is overload until immobility- taking something heavy it in the "mouse-hand" magically removes this part of burden (
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2007&p=23324&hilit=bug#p23277), the group is able to move again even if the carrying character is overburdend one. This should be modeled like the cooldown on throwing with mouse cursor, always one of the prisoners has to suffer the burden.
Another throwing related bug, reported some time ago by yavorovich
viewtopic.php?f=12&t=778&p=8809&hilit=secrets+bug#p8809: throwing of things on walls can be exploited for identifying secrets doors (still in 1.1.4, just checked).
On the overheating topic and this developer hint (
- HInt 1 & 2 ,vsync and frameratelimiter, are ineffective for slower GPUs/integrated chipsets as these approaches kicks only in cooling GPUs beyond 60/120fps (also, 120fps is to high even for some newer GPUs)
- Hint 3, reducing resolution and quality settings, are only effective to a too limited degree as the available quality settings offering only a small FPS dynamic . Also, the minimum offical setable resolution is limited to 1024x768.
Overall, to achieve a solution for the overheating problems for most setups and configurations (laptops, legacy systems,etc) a manyfold approach might be required: reducing the frame-rate-limiter preset from 120 to 40 on installation. Offer more setable quality settings (limiting light sources?) to achieve a wider FPS dynamic, to give the user more control over the GPU burden. And maybe the most effective approach, support lower resolutions beyond 1024x768 by fixing the minor font size glitches (should be overall required for making LoG ready for mobile devices

Other things were already mentioned by the posters before:
- burnt-out-torches still burn in wall sockets
- skulls in containers don't give their benefit (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1904)
- inability to open multiple containers at the same time (aro viewtopic.php?f=12&t=754&p=8543&hilit=container#p8543)
- level6 walkabout bug (draken viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2227)
- font problems in extrem high resolutions (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2236)
- menu accessability problems and font size problems in resolutions <1024x786 (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2324&p=26685#p26685)
(320x200 ... LOG is almost ready for mobile devices!
- minor weight glitches (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2198, viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2007&p=23324&hilit=bug#p23277)
- some poison oddnesses, like no drops or XP if enemy get the killing blow by poison (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1717)
- similiar for dismantler (viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2879)
- the non-auto-generation of names for prisoners on character creation ("party-of-four-new-prisoners" problem, viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1055&p=23517&hilit ... ner#p23517)
- on-screen XP indicator misses some adaptions on the xps (advanced enemies) (Lex viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2565#p26647)
- xp is distributed by position in party instead of prisoner-ID, results in granting XP to the wrong prisoner in case of rearrangment (viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2625&p=27237#p27230)
- windowed mode unresizeable & option menu not scrollable -> resolution not changeable if to big resolution was chosen (Prometheusmfd viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2620, Kouen viewtopic.php?f=12&t=754&start=350#p30369)
- potions can't be drunk from hand, only from inventar. also, multiple potions are not mixed in mortar (http://www.gbase.de/pc/reviews/11558/Le ... 9__p2.html)
- damage splash animation hiddes health & energy bar (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2688)
- with Eyefinite/sourround display setups the interface is sticking to the right edge of the display, LoG being a mouse-centric game is barely playable. What's more, the automap screen is messed up.viewtopic.php?f=12&t=498
- timed puzzles are heavily FPS dependend (it seems), around 15-35fps it seems impossible to solve the last iron door puzzle (and sword of nex is hard)
- [*/]
- Party of glass bug/missing party shadows (Dr.Disaster viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2996)
Overall, thanks for reading, I'm looking forward for the next creation of Almost Human!
PS: not really a bug, but a easy to implement addition which would fix the counter-intuitivity of non-stackable notes: some "note" container, a note book, where the player can collect the notes compact together (reuse some artwork, take the existing book, change the color). This would overcome the problem of filling the backpack with a surprisingly small amount of paper. As the most obvious implementation, stacking like alchemy ingredients, is not possible as the notes are unique, a note-book container could be the solution.
(here some "paper-mockup", with color swapped tome of health image as container-book)