[LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by t0tem »

Ixnatifual wrote:
Curunir wrote:Did you just register here to post about an issue with the logic of a game where you can slap 10-foot ogres your bare hands till they die? :lol:
Yeah, the ogres in real life only die if you shoot them in the eye with a sniper rifle!

In good ol' EoB you could resurrect bones you found and add that character to the party instead of someone you didn't like. In a lot of ways this was a pretty cool mechanic.
I was a little disappointed when I took Toorum to the gem and couldn't do that. I fully expected him to join the team and kick some ass. Oh well...

EDIT: B t w wasn't the name of the dwarf fighter that joined you in EoB also Toorum?
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by 1varangian »

Wasn't it Taghor?
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by waylander »

even worse is he was trapped with the best axe in the game.i'm sure he could spend 10 days hacking at that false wall.

there should have been something we did smarter to escape i agree.
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by NakedGranny »

i wasn't trapped in there because i killed all the squid-faced bastards first! :lol:
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by Crash »

waylander wrote:even worse is he was trapped with the best axe in the game.i'm sure he could spend 10 days hacking at that false wall.
Oooh, destructable walls would be an interesting addition to this game. If there was a detail to indicate a wall was compromised, such as cracks, wind, etc...
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by Disasterrific »

It's a good question. What were Toorum's real motivations? Reading the notes it sounds like he didn't know anything more about grimrock and is no less or more on "their side" than yourselves. There definitely should have been more to that secret room...
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by Dhauntyr »

I suppose Toorum was trying to make sense of all of this. He came to a few interesting observations but nothing substantial. The wall closing behind him was... conspicuous. But what worried me more than anything (being that this IS a spoiler thread, right?) is would "I" have become trapped in the same place if I played Mr. Toorum? I would be very wary of going towards that location as the character.
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by \/4n!ll4 ][c3 »

i think the most logical conclusion is that he was sealed in rather than trapped in. as for "why didnt we get trapped in?" well, thatd be a pretty bad game to end like that, yeah? ;p

toorum had already been hearing the voices as well, and it is quite apparent the demi-human monsters in the game were trying to prevent the players from reaching the bottom. they had a chance to keep toorum from doing so, and they jumped on it. and then had some cake probably.
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by Dhauntyr »

I remember reading his note where he stated to the effect: "I should've known better..." when then which he continued on about being a very experienced adventurer and sort of "kicked himself" for not being more aware of his surroundings.. Sounded like a "foolhardy" mistake he made by not paying attention to his surroundings (even the best make mistakes), but I suppose the other reason could be plausible. Very plausible.
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Re: [LEVEL 10 SPOILER] Logical?

Post by jansaresinas »

the backstory to Toorum and why he is down there and what he is doing is on the first two pages of the instruction manual that comes with the game...
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