What would you like to see added?

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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by sapientCrow »

My vote is more secrets more secrets and more secrets. Even with the current dungeon itself add more buttons and puzzles and riddles to figure out.
After that more dungeons more dungeons dungeons
Then add enemies and such.

I am a big fan of the secrets and puzzles!
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Isaac »

I would like a slight change in the AI and game mechanics that would cause monsters who attack from directly behind to skip playing their attack animations. The reason for this is that some animations clip the camera view from behind. If you are attacked by an ice lizard from behind, you can see the inside of the mesh (when you shouldn't). It is impossible to perform an immediate about face in this game, so I would think that the party would always 'telegraph' their intent to turn around,(and the AI begin displaying the attack animations once more).
If this was done, it seems like it would alleviate this issue, (and is not only existent with the Ice Lizard).

I don't see a downside with this, as there are no reflections in the game where you'd see a static monster, and I mean that the skip would only occur when the monster was positioned in the tile directly behind the party. So it's a facing check.

** On a side note: Wouldn't the skipping of a (most often) invisible animation be a minor performance boost for the game?
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Radioman970 »

Zo Kath Ra wrote:I'd like to see some indication of how badly hurt your enemies are.
It'd be really cool if the 3D models actually showed damage, like broken shells on the giants snails.
Excellent idea. Add to that some of them become fearful and flee. That would make it easy for you to get trapped by another undamaged one while chasing down the damaged one for the kill.
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Darklord »

Radioman970 wrote:Add to that some of them become fearful and flee. That would make it easy for you to get trapped by another undamaged one while chasing down the damaged one for the kill.
Good call! This was in DM and I hadn't noticed it was missing from LoG, yeah would like to see this added. :)

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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Merethif »

Dandy wrote:
nianu wrote:
earthyearth wrote:some more races and classes

so more variety in parties

I did a survey earlier and like 95% of the parties are 2 fighters, a rogue, and a mage
i am the 5% :lol:
I also am a 5%er. Do I get a teddy?
I'm also a 5%... Hey! Is it really 5%? I have a strong feeling this survey wasn't the most accurate ;-)

Also note that having two, or even four, Fighters doesn't mean there's no variety - one of your Fighter can put all skill points in Swords and become fast and evasive Samurai, other can have points distributed equally to Armours and Maces and become Knight, a slow, but well protected heavy hitter, third one has most points in Axes and some leftovers in Athletics and become Barbarian from the northern wastes, and so on. I had three rogues in my first party and each was unique and absolutely different then the others.

More classes, that would end up being very similar, are not important for variety. Creativity is.
Intruder313 wrote:In my second game I've set my characters up with the foreknowledge that Missile Weapons come quite late (...)!
Er... sling comes on level 2 and short bow and crossbow on level 3. I believe you're wrong with your statement sir.

Anyway, back to topic:
- Thirst bar and water management. With fountains and some water/fountain puzzles (mentioned before)
- More spells, especially utility spells like See Through Wall, buffing spells and maybe refilling spells that can refill poison dagger, fire sword and lightning rod.
- Rope, that allows to climb down the pit in a safer manner (like in DM)
- Missile Weapons and/or Throwing Weapons skill available for Ranger class. Maybe instead of Fire Magic.
- Dungeon that player start with one character only and have to rescue and recruit pre-made NPC on relatively early levels (3-6). I can imagine prison chamber with two cells and two prisoners but character got only one key (much like in Treasury) and player have to chose whom to free and recruit - young, beautiful and kind priestess in chainmail bikini, but with only moderate stats or ugly, greedy, irritating and spoiled nobleman, but with stats above average :-)

Don't wants:
- Spells that would show secrets, hidden switches etc.
- Spells hotkeys
- Healing spells, game's difficulty doesn't make them really needed. And there is always easy mode for those who would need healing spells.
- Excess of new classes - I prefer flexible systems where player can creatively create class with skills, not systems with too many predefined classes. For example with rogue class I can create assassin, marksman, monk or ninja - no need to have separate classes for those.
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Darklord »

Merethif wrote: young, beautiful and kind priestess in chainmail bikini, but with only moderate stats or ugly, greedy, irritating and spoiled nobleman, but with stats above average :-)
Is that even a choice?! :? Chainmail bikini babe every time! :lol:

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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by pimpskinny »

Definitely just more dungeons. The replayability of LoG is limited because puzzle-solving is integral to the game. I completely love LoG for this, but after you solve all of the levels once, a second play-through is not nearly as rewarding. Playing it again seems only to be about trying different classes/skills.
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by montagneyaya »

- Water management (why only food ?), with fountains and some water/fountain puzzles.
- Breakable wooden door.
- Fake wall (we can pass through).
- Fake pit (we can walk on).
- More varied enemy/creature/monster.
- More varied weapon/equipment.
- More potion (create attak potion, potion that improve dexterity, strenght, ..., more various health for more state like burn...).
- Possibility to break or burn with a torch the roots on the walls (hide element like with the sheet).
- More spell (magic footprint, open door, basic shield).

For dungeon editor:
- Possibility to create our own race with characteristic.
- Idem for monster and possibility to create the 3D model (with simple interface ?).
- Idem for item.
Last edited by montagneyaya on Wed May 02, 2012 11:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Isaac »

How about using the Backspace key to implement a speedy about face. When used, it has the camera rotate 180°, and swaps the front and rear ranks. This causes the armored fighters to be in the rear instead of the less protected rogues and mages. In a retreat, they would take the hits from the pursuing monster; but not be in position to attack in the front (in the event of an encounter).
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Re: What would you like to see added?

Post by Thels »

Merethif wrote:- Dungeon that player start with one character only and have to rescue and recruit pre-made NPC on relatively early levels (3-6).
Yes, please!

Though I'd place some at level 1 and 2.
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