While I disagree with the OP's suggestions - good though they are of course! [perhaps a magic safe that can store just one heavy item would be an idea] - I do think that some of the items in the game are slightly too heavy - I think some of the tiny items such as the potion ingredients/keys/scrolls should weigh 0kg. Just looking back over my closing inventory I see that some of the food items are up to 2kg or more each! Sheesh!
Incredible how something simple like this can be violated. Take game as it was created. As u wrote if u have too much things on you...drop them. Stop complaining and stop spamming this forum with such topics.
Those developers remember times when players have to use their brains and that is major difference of this game compared to modern titles. So go...and play your modenr style games and keep us this old style "have to use brain" crap.
And now constructivelly. If someone considers making mod about this do that in same manner as Dungeon master or Chaos strikes back. Add an alchemy recipe for strength or something which will eventually increase load capacity.
EvoluZion3 wrote:While I disagree with the OP's suggestions - good though they are of course! [perhaps a magic safe that can store just one heavy item would be an idea] - I do think that some of the items in the game are slightly too heavy - I think some of the tiny items such as the potion ingredients/keys/scrolls should weigh 0kg. Just looking back over my closing inventory I see that some of the food items are up to 2kg or more each! Sheesh!
While I do agree that at least some of the food items are much too heavy (e.g. Snail Slices 2.4 kg for example) and could maybe be made to be broken up into two edible parts, I don't think that small items like scrolls/keys/ingredients and flasks should weigh nothing. They do have a certain mass, small as it may be and it should be reflected.
Also, I didn't really have that much trouble with always having enough food on my characters, as well as the needed equipment. I discarded what was worse when I got an improved item and besides that only kept food and potions and 4-6 torches, just in case I needed something for pressure plates or for lighting.
If you're really obsessive about it, you can fill a crate full of gear then drop it and carry it around as an icon so it doesn't weigh anything. You can open switches and fight monsters with it still in your hands. You really should just drop some stuff though, that is just part of the game, deciding what you do and don't need.
I think the inventory space / item weight was spot on in this game.
You get overloaded but its easily manageable. Everything important you can always carry no problem. But sometimes you need to make a choice whether to carry extra food or pieces of heavy armor that you might need later etc. It's great.
I hoarded most stuff through out my game. My mino carried two crates and two bags full of food. my sword-girl carried a few pieces of extra gear to exchange with the mino when the situation arose, my rogue carried all the throwables and bombs... at some point he ended up ditching the throwing daggers (as weight for the checkered room) and the shurikens, since i wasnt really using them anymore. The mage carried bag after bag of ingredients, scrolls, empty flasks, etc... All of my characters were just one step from being encumbered, all the time... and still i had fun