I'm a bit new here but I do think DLC dungeons with possible new stuff would be great, I'm loving the current dungeon so far and if you guys can keep this kind of craftsmanship in a second, third, or even god forbid (For my free time D.) fourth dungeon I'd be damn interested. Especially if these all had different "Feels" so to speak. Like say a castle or a cave instead of a dungeon.
- LethalBlade
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:49 pm
- Location: New York, USA
Crappy DLCs are evil. Good quality DLCs are not. If there was ever a game deserving of DLC, it's Grimrock. I would certainly pay for more dungeon content on par with the quality of what was released with the game.petri wrote:If by DLC you mean a new dungeon that you can buy from us, it depends on whether people want this or not. So far the consensus seems to be that DLCs are evil (for some reason unknown to me). Maybe we should have a poll about this...
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:48 pm
I will gladly pay any amount of money to see more of this game.
Shut up and take my Visa!
But a word against DLCs / expansion packs in general:
New mechanics. Expansion packs by the very definition will mean that it is optional to buy them. What happens if that DLC includes a new mechanic to the gameplay?
Then you cannot play any mods that have been done using that mechanic if you don't have the expansion and you can get mixed up about what you can do and cannot do in different modules.
What about the number two or three content package?
If they are relied to a game mechanic or content asset introduced in the previous package that can lead to redundancy line.
"Oh you want to play this module? Well you need to buy these two before or it won't work / you cannot perform stuff X."
This can be really hard for developers and players to keep track of. In these games having consistent rules how the world works is quite important.
My suggestion is to have all changes and additions to game mechanics as patches and only giving new playable areas as optional packages that can be charged if needed. I do think customers will be pouring in a long time at a steady pace, jungle drums resonate long in A+ indie games. I'm sure any new content package will bring new customers and if you just put a donate button with each new DLC release I'm pretty sure many of us will be giving out a just piece of our loot for the game time gained.
Stay humble!
Shut up and take my Visa!
But a word against DLCs / expansion packs in general:
New mechanics. Expansion packs by the very definition will mean that it is optional to buy them. What happens if that DLC includes a new mechanic to the gameplay?
Then you cannot play any mods that have been done using that mechanic if you don't have the expansion and you can get mixed up about what you can do and cannot do in different modules.
What about the number two or three content package?
If they are relied to a game mechanic or content asset introduced in the previous package that can lead to redundancy line.
"Oh you want to play this module? Well you need to buy these two before or it won't work / you cannot perform stuff X."
This can be really hard for developers and players to keep track of. In these games having consistent rules how the world works is quite important.
My suggestion is to have all changes and additions to game mechanics as patches and only giving new playable areas as optional packages that can be charged if needed. I do think customers will be pouring in a long time at a steady pace, jungle drums resonate long in A+ indie games. I'm sure any new content package will bring new customers and if you just put a donate button with each new DLC release I'm pretty sure many of us will be giving out a just piece of our loot for the game time gained.
Stay humble!
Honestly I would shell out full price for a DLC that had a new dungoen and at lest one new class.nianu wrote:the only thing i hate is when DLC is about half the price of the game itself but has minimal content. i, personally, would love to buy more dungeons for LoGi loved this game so much!
Heck the main game full price is about the cost of most DLCs these days as it is.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
My end game stats LoG 1st play through
I think (and hope )that the Developers are right now planing there next step in what to do with the game. But they should know that if they would release a DLC (expansion) they should know that the people that love the game when they played it will love the DlC even more.It would be good to develop the characters more if you could import them. But the thing that they must thinking is what is going to happen next in the storyline?
New environments to explore, like entirely different dungeons aside of Grimrock itself, would be awesome as DLC.
Hidden levels connected to Grimrock, like entire sub-dungeons or just a few levels linked to each other and also linked to different levels of the original dungeon could work too.
What I don't want to see is ninja patches that modify the game's original game play once you install the DLC. That would suck.
Hidden levels connected to Grimrock, like entire sub-dungeons or just a few levels linked to each other and also linked to different levels of the original dungeon could work too.
What I don't want to see is ninja patches that modify the game's original game play once you install the DLC. That would suck.
DLC is not evil when it actually adds something to the game that is worth your time and money , and of course is not over priced.
DLC is evil when it adds something to the game that should have already been in the original game, and of course, is over priced.
I'm sure that some games have bits cut out before release, and then later sell you these bits as DLC, bit's that you have in fact already paid for. (evil)
I already buy/bought DLC for 2 games, each piece of DLC costs £3.99 and gives me about 2 weeks of game play. That is what I call great value for money.
DLC is evil when it adds something to the game that should have already been in the original game, and of course, is over priced.
I'm sure that some games have bits cut out before release, and then later sell you these bits as DLC, bit's that you have in fact already paid for. (evil)
I already buy/bought DLC for 2 games, each piece of DLC costs £3.99 and gives me about 2 weeks of game play. That is what I call great value for money.

Dungeon Legend about the Master of Grimrock
Every game has bits cut out before release. The nature of creative endeavors will cause people to realize the a plot point isn't as good as they thought, or a character isn't as strong or whatever and revise the design. Some of this is added back in as DLC, but you have only "already paid for" it if it is physically located on the disk you bought. If it's not then you haven't already paid for it, aren't entitled to it, and are stupidly vilifying the company for revising their product, which is the equivalent of vilifying you because your breathing.Dandy wrote:I'm sure that some games have bits cut out before release, and then later sell you these bits as DLC, bit's that you have in fact already paid for. (evil)
In the future can you avoid make daft assertions that have nothing to do with the reality of creative endeavors?