First and foremost, I did not make any of these, some are linked already in this forum, the others can be found if you search google images for "fantasy portraits" or "rpg portraits" or similar. So kudos for the original artists. (Links to the originals can be found in source.txt)
All I did was resizing, cropping, some tweaking here and there.
Grimpack v2:
The idea here is to find and alter all sorts of images, and create a pack that is close to the original Grimrock portraits.
As before the source of some images can be found in the sources.txt included in the pack, the rest are from packs posted here on this forum. Some of these only had the background changed, but some have been modified extensively. I'll probably keep adding to it as time lets me. The goal would be to start making my own images at some point, but that point is still far away with my current skill level

(These will not overwrite the ones from the random stuff pack above, even for the only background change ones, still trying to find a useful naming scheme..)

Other Stuff:
A nice find by GamerAse: ... etail&id=2
These are 128x128 .tga-s, I remembered NWN2 using different sizes, but I was wrong it seems