Ultimate party make up?

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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by The Doppelgamer »

Empyrean wrote:I don't care much if people know perfect English. I do care if they can spell a word that shows up over and over and over again; a word that native English speakers who can't spell worth anything mess up on a regular basis keep getting wrong because other people get it wrong. It's like illiteracy is contagious and you're going around sneezing on people.
When did I ever ONCE say I was native English speaker? Sounds like you're assuming something you don't know the first thing about... idiot...
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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by Empyrean »

Mystina Valeth wrote:
Empyrean wrote:I don't care much if people know perfect English. I do care if they can spell a word that shows up over and over and over again; a word that native English speakers who can't spell worth anything mess up on a regular basis keep getting wrong because other people get it wrong. It's like illiteracy is contagious and you're going around sneezing on people.
When did I ever ONCE say I was native English speaker? Sounds like you're assuming something you don't know the first thing about... idiot...
I didn't say you were a native English speaker. I said natives screw it up all the time because other people screw it up. You already said you weren't a native English speaker; I know that.

If you suggested the ultimate party make up was rouge, mascara and eye shadow, that would have been clever. Instead, you just perpetuate the most persistent misspelling in RPG fandom, and insist on being stupid about it when it's pointed out. It's a pet peeve of mine.
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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by The Doppelgamer »

Empyrean wrote:
Mystina Valeth wrote:
Empyrean wrote:I don't care much if people know perfect English. I do care if they can spell a word that shows up over and over and over again; a word that native English speakers who can't spell worth anything mess up on a regular basis keep getting wrong because other people get it wrong. It's like illiteracy is contagious and you're going around sneezing on people.
When did I ever ONCE say I was native English speaker? Sounds like you're assuming something you don't know the first thing about... idiot...
I didn't say you were a native English speaker. I said natives screw it up all the time because other people screw it up. You already said you weren't a native English speaker; I know that.

If you suggested the ultimate party make up was rouge, mascara and eye shadow, that would have been clever. Instead, you just perpetuate the most persistent misspelling in RPG fandom, and insist on being stupid about it when it's pointed out. It's a pet peeve of mine.
Actually you're wrong, thats the first time I said I wasn't native English speaker, I didn't already say it, so why are you saying I've already said that? stop making stuff up...
Empyrean wrote:I do care if they can spell a word that shows up over and over and over again; a word that native English speakers who can't spell worth anything mess up on a regular basis keep getting wrong because other people get it wrong.
You didn't directly say it, but you were implying this to me since the reason you said that was because of my misspelling of rogue... and its not because you thought I wasn't a native English speaker because I never once said it before that... don't deny it..

What really annoys me is people who deny when they are wrong and makes things up to cover it... stop making shit up so you don't look like an idiot... idiot
Empyrean wrote:If you suggested the ultimate party make up was rouge, mascara and eye shadow, that would have been clever.
lol thats funny
Also, when I started talking about Canadian football players (definition #4 in the link you posted), I was making fun of myself for making such a silly spelling mistake, I wasn't "insisting on being stupid"... if you can't laugh at yourself for making mistakes and learn to not make them anymore, then how are you ever supposed to grow in life? F**king hate idiots who have to take everything so god damn seriously, why don't you grow up?
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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by Empyrean »

When I correct your spelling and you re-post the same stupid mistake in bigger font, that's insisting on being stupid.

I can guess you're not a native English speaker because your writing is occasionally stilted in a way that is typical of people who have learned the language to a considerable degree of fluency but did not grow up with it. I was mistaken that you had said so previously, but I was operating under that assumption. Statements like the following are good examples of why:
When did I ever ONCE say I was native English speaker?
and I very rarely ever died on any character
Ultimately, stop spelling "rogue" wrong and I'll stop caring.
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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by Drax »

If you want to discuss it, perhaps PMs?
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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by hda »

Drax wrote:If you want to discuss it, perhaps PMs?
Holy ..., yes please, stop it.

By the way, I raise earth casting, and fire as well. But all the people in here recomend ice, is it the best? ( I have 0 on ice)
*She looks the corpse. A trail of blood leads away from it into the darkness. The body itself is a grotesquely misshapen husk now, the eyes sunk into the skull, the lips drawn back to expose the gums. A ghostly sight.

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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by Drax »

hda wrote:

By the way, I raise earth casting, and fire as well. But all the people in here recomend ice, is it the best? ( I have 0 on ice)

Most people go Ice because the freeze makes it easy to backstab (and avoid damage). Air is quite effective due to nothing resisting lighting.
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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by The Doppelgamer »

Drax wrote:If you want to discuss it, perhaps PMs?
lol don't tell him to send me PMs, I don't want to talk to him anymore :lol: and I agree, this arguing needs to stop and we need to stay on topic here ^^
hda wrote:By the way, I raise earth casting, and fire as well. But all the people in here recomend ice, is it the best? ( I have 0 on ice)
As far as I know, monsters do not have ANY weaknesses to any element, but they do have resistances (example: Ice doesn't hurt Ice Lizards, poison doesn't hurt undead). Lightning is nice element because it gets a 5th spell (invisibility) unlike all the other elements. Ice is nice because it gets 2 long range spells, one of which freezes the monster, incapacitating them. As far as I can tell, lightning, fire, and ice do about the same base damage, but I haven't really done testing, thats just an observation I made.
Last edited by The Doppelgamer on Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by Drax »

Mystina Valeth wrote:now, monsters do not have ANY weaknesses to any element, but they do have resistances (example: Ice doesn't hurt Ice Lizards, poison doesn't hurt undead). Lightning is nice element because it gets a 5th spell (invisibility) unlike all the other elements, ice is nice because it gets 2 long range spells, one of which freezes the monster incapacitating them

Game ending spoiler:
The last boss is supposedly weak to lightning
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Re: Ultimate party make up?

Post by The Doppelgamer »

Drax wrote:Game ending spoiler:
The last boss is supposedly weak to lightning
I know the weapon of power incapacitates him, and he seems to have a high resistance from physical attacks, but I personally didn't notice any difference in damage from fire and lightning spells against him... Ice does 0 to him. That would be cool if he is weak to lighting though ^^ I wanna test that now lol
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