Hi there. I love the game. You guys did a great job!
I have a few requests for you to consider for future patching...
1) Can the light spell have an effect similar to torches (dimming when they're close to expiring). I like that the nice blue color they have although, I don't see why they shouldn't have the same reach (or better) than a torch.
2) Can we get the rune system mapped to the keypad and a method to select a character to cast? As an example, say 1-4 (open rune box for character slot 1-4), keypad1-9 matches the 9box of the runes and enter to cast. Character sheets would need to move to say F1-4. I don't know if that's a better layout but for hectic fights it's easier to keypad than to click on the smaller rune boxes.
3) Can we get an option for combat selection (picking the weapon to attack with) mapped to the keyboard ?
Thanks for the game. Looking VERY FORWARD to anything else you guys make in the future! Keep up the good work, I've wanted a game like this for the last 10 years!
Request: Magic UI
Re: Request: Magic UI
I would also like to see these features added.
Re: Request: Magic UI
I do not agree totally with 2:
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of magic keys... But I don't want them Hardcoded, I use the keypad to move... If it's mapped by default I don't care, if I can reassign keys but hardcoded? no.
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of magic keys... But I don't want them Hardcoded, I use the keypad to move... If it's mapped by default I don't care, if I can reassign keys but hardcoded? no.
Re: Request: Magic UI
I didn't mention anything about hardcoded. Why would that assumption be made? The other keyboard commands aren't hardcoded.
Re: Request: Magic UI
It's less an assumption than a worry... It happens too often these day in games be it indie or mainstream and you usually have to wait for a patch to come out to play without a program like glovepie...
People just don't think about it so it'll have to be reminded as long as necessary...
My goal here is not to pick a fight or go into endless debate so I hope you didn't feel it that way...
People just don't think about it so it'll have to be reminded as long as necessary...
My goal here is not to pick a fight or go into endless debate so I hope you didn't feel it that way...
Last edited by azraal on Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Request: Magic UI
None taken. It was just an odd leap of logic that I was confused by. 

Re: Request: Magic UI
I'm totally for number 1 but not 2.
Magic is guaranteed to hit. If it can be bound to a key, that would make a mage class so overpowered; quick casting + 100% hit every targets in single tile.
For number 3, Though I don't really see the point, I'm not against it.
IMO, Clicking on a weapon you want to use is already fast and convenient enough.
Magic is guaranteed to hit. If it can be bound to a key, that would make a mage class so overpowered; quick casting + 100% hit every targets in single tile.
For number 3, Though I don't really see the point, I'm not against it.

Re: Request: Magic UI
Actually, for people like my mother, who's arms are not exactly fully functional, 2&3 would make her life much easier. Not trying to start an argument or anything, just trying to show you why it would by useful. oh, and I would love it because I tend to mis-click things. XD
All three of the suggestions are good in my opinion.
All three of the suggestions are good in my opinion.
Re: Request: Magic UI
I like the idea of mapping individual runes to keys. It doesn't remove the element of constructing a spell, and it eliminates those "mouse misses" we often make while hacking drunk.