quicksaver wrote:RMariano, I made that script for you. You can get it here: http://kesimunka.blogspot.de/2012/04/le ... lways.html
But what is the mini-puzzle?? I am baffled.

quicksaver wrote:RMariano, I made that script for you. You can get it here: http://kesimunka.blogspot.de/2012/04/le ... lways.html
I suspect this is making a lot of these timing puzzles more difficult for people. Unless you notice that little snail icon on your character, or know what it implies, you could be wandering around at half speed and not realise it. I've already seen examples of this.Mystina Valeth wrote:Just a small little tip, make sure you're not over encumbered when doing this timed puzzle, it makes it ALOT harder to do if you are... found that out the hard way
This tool doesn't work for me.quicksaver wrote:I made a little script which does the timing for you. I don't really know how to prove it is not a virus of some sort but if you look at my other (admittedly) few posts you will see that nobody died...
I posted the tool in my blog here: http://kesimunka.blogspot.de/2012/04/le ... apped.html
That is odd. Did you lower every graphic options to the lowest setting?Rodzaju wrote:quicksaver wrote:I've tried it now on 2 different computers with the same results.