Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

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Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by generation2600 »

I know I'll get a lot of fire for this, but would it be possible to add an option where you can lower the time for a "tick" for the overall gameplay speed?

I am 50 now and I had a really hard time beating some of the timed encounters (the pit room in level 5, the moving portals in level 3, the trap door room in level hm 9) and the final boss. I am not that slow but my hand-eye coordination is no longer what it was in my younger days and some of the puzzles were really frustrating because I knew what to do but execution was almost impossible. Also some fight were really too hectic for me. Yes, I am or in the process of getting old, but so you will be one day and you will be grateful if you still can enjoy these kind of games without feeling handicaped.
I had to ask my son three or four times to play a special part for me or I would never reached level 12. (well to be honest level 4).

Overall amazing game with a lot of great ideas and challenging puzzles and I hope we will see a lot of DLCs, addons and of course Grimrock II!
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by stubbie »

generation2600 wrote:I know I'll get a lot of fire for this, but would it be possible to add an option where you can lower the time for a "tick" for the overall gameplay speed?

I am 50 now and I had a really hard time beating some of the timed encounters ...........
This subject has been posted a couple of times before. The threads usually end up with a tone like...rack off grandpa, and go play some solitaire.
Personally I'm over it. Like you I struggle in a frustrating way with the timed puzzles. It has ruined my enjoyment of the game and now at level 4 I have decided to give the game a miss.
Perhaps a mod will help those of us who struggle with this aspect of the game, but it's not worth copping the abuse you get from the "expert" gamers in this forum when you ask for that option to be considered.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Yyyyy »

There has been a post by someone with some 3rd party application that allowed some sort of "speed hack". I can't remember any details, but quick search gave me this post:
it mentions CheatEngine.

In game option would no doubt be appreciated by some people.
Last edited by Yyyyy on Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by gasgas »

Doesn't easy mode make the game easier? Weaker monsters, easier and slower puzzles etc.? If not that what's the point in it.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Drax »

gasgas wrote:Doesn't easy mode make the game easier? Weaker monsters, easier and slower puzzles etc.? If not that what's the point in it.
The monsters move slower but the puzzles don't.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by gasgas »

Then it's surely been overlooked I think, the concept of easy mode is making the game easier in every aspect. (Same applies for hard mode)
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Saice »

gasgas wrote:Then it's surely been overlooked I think, the concept of easy mode is making the game easier in every aspect. (Same applies for hard mode)
Not always.

In this case the modes effect monster speed and damage they do. It does not effect anything else. Even their HP is the same between difficulties.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Pipsissiwa »

+1 to OP

An Easy/Normal/Hard option for the game 'heartbeat' would be great - at least to make timed puzzles give a second or two more to complete. I'm only 40 and I have great trouble with the timed puzzles, especially once you need to do a huge string of movements with hitting switches on the way, and falling in a pit when you fail. If we can slow down monsters to allow people to fight more easily. why not slow down timed puzzles to people can do them slightly more easily - nothing else would need to change, its only a few of the multitude of puzzles and many wouldn't need to touch the option at all.

After 200+ tries it just gets dull. I actually haven't played for a couple of days because I've just reached another of these and I just can't face it atm.

My separate thread discusses this and the discussion has resulted in suspicion that there may be a bug making the game heartbeat and the key press detetection heartbeat out of sync for some (on a variety of spec machines), but timed puzzles etc generally seems a common problem regardless.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Horrorscope »

No problem asking for whatever you need. But 50 is elderly now?

There is a console command to affect game speed as well.
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Re: Overall gameplay speed (elderly gamer)

Post by Hotcakes »

I created an account just to post in this topic - even though it's not an issue that affects me, it has been bothering me since I first reached level 2.

Almost Human rightly received great kudos from the gaming media the world over for implementing the mouse-operated arrow buttons at behest of that disabled gamers' request. I've been feeling sad for him because the game is clearly impossible for him regardless (a small part of me thinks AH are negligent in this regard). I feel worse if this community has actually taken the attitude of 'bug off old guy' on threads like this previously, considering the majority of this community is most likely in their 30s.

I sincerely hope AH read this thread and do indeed add in game options for game speed (or have it tied to the difficulty mode) as a priority for patch #2. You placated the wishes of a disabled gamer and reaped the praise knowing full well he stood no chance anyhow!