Looking good, we are still nearly neck and neck! I haven't quite finished level 10 yet though, I need to figure out that iron door!
I have to say it is an excellent level.
At some point I should go back and try that fighter's challenge room again, it wouldn't open last time I tried it.
I have to say it is an excellent level.
At some point I should go back and try that fighter's challenge room again, it wouldn't open last time I tried it.
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
DCjerboa: you're very welcome
sorry i don't have all the secrets, myself. but i try to get what i can. and if i find something but don't know what it does, i try to map it anyways just in case someone else can figure it out. i hate to miss things too but if i click a button and run around the general area and nothing is changed, i get the feeling i won't find it soon
that and i'm super excited to just finish the damn game! lol. i'm proud to admit that i haven't looked at any spoilers yet. and i'm guessing there's a correlation of earthquakes to cave ins. so i've made sure to map those as well so when i play a second time, i'll know where to go first before the events happen
assuming i'm correct
and when i finish, i will look at how to find the secrets i missed and map them. i must not have missed very many because i believe i'm at 60ish now. anyways i'll stop ranting lol. i'm glad you're getting some help with my maps
good luck!
Darklord: are you playing on steam? the achievements are so funny. is the iron door the only thing left on 10 for you? i'm sure if you think on it long enough, you'll get it
i saw it.. did random things to open it, but nothing. walked away and 5 minutes later it dawned on me haha. i sorta started 11/12 but it was so late. i had to go to bed. i hope i finish soon because the past few nights i've been dreaming about mapping these dungeons lol

Darklord: are you playing on steam? the achievements are so funny. is the iron door the only thing left on 10 for you? i'm sure if you think on it long enough, you'll get it

ᶘ╯ᵒᴥᵒᶅ╯︵ ┻━┻
Nah I played the Stand Alone version as it meant I got to play sooner!
I may change to Steam for my 2nd playthough. Mind you I quite like having the simple shortcut on my desktop without having to wait for Steam to load. Acheievements are fun though!
I still have a couple of bits of the level left to discover I'm sure I'll figure that door out when I next play.
Isn't this a great game eh?! I do kind of miss the the pre-release days of the forum though, so many more unfamiliar people here now. (and many like to moan/argue!)
I'm sure it'll settle down eventually though.

I still have a couple of bits of the level left to discover I'm sure I'll figure that door out when I next play.

Isn't this a great game eh?! I do kind of miss the the pre-release days of the forum though, so many more unfamiliar people here now. (and many like to moan/argue!)
I'm sure it'll settle down eventually though.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Darklord wrote:Nah I played the Stand Alone version as it meant I got to play sooner!I may change to Steam for my 2nd playthough. Mind you I quite like having the simple shortcut on my desktop without having to wait for Steam to load. Acheievements are fun though!
I still have a couple of bits of the level left to discover I'm sure I'll figure that door out when I next play.![]()
Isn't this a great game eh?! I do kind of miss the the pre-release days of the forum though, so many more unfamiliar people here now. (and many like to moan/argue!)
I'm sure it'll settle down eventually though.![]()
yeah give everyone time to finish the game and i'm sure it'll quiet down. then they'll all be posting in the modding thread lol. but yeah i really miss games like this. where you make maps, find secrets, solve riddles. there was one riddle that i'll admit i didn't know at first glance:
the one that read: Game's Defeat, With Head of Iron or something to that extent. at first i thought of a crossbow and thought "oh fuck, i don't know where the hell i left that!" so after a moment of panic, i tried putting down an arrow haha.

ᶘ╯ᵒᴥᵒᶅ╯︵ ┻━┻
Oooh that riddle is a toughy!
I'll be tempted to give modding a try myself once the editor is released. Depends how difficult it is I guess. It does sound very cool being able to make and share cunning new dungeons amongst ourselves!

I'll be tempted to give modding a try myself once the editor is released. Depends how difficult it is I guess. It does sound very cool being able to make and share cunning new dungeons amongst ourselves!

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
i know! i'm excited. i'm hoping someone does a dungeon master remake. i'm sure they will. i also can't wait to see what people come up with on their ownDarklord wrote:Oooh that riddle is a toughy!![]()
I'll be tempted to give modding a try myself once the editor is released. Depends how difficult it is I guess. It does sound very cool being able to make and share cunning new dungeons amongst ourselves!![]()

on a side note, do you kill everything you see or do you run? i've only had to run once in B8
the teleport to the room full of mushrooms O_O i tried to fight but i kept getting cornered and poisoned repeatedly. i finally just went invisible and grabbed the keys and skull haha
ᶘ╯ᵒᴥᵒᶅ╯︵ ┻━┻
Heh clever I don't have that spell so I have to kill everything, well I like the XP & Loot to.
Yeah that room was very tough, took at least 5-10 tries, here's my strategy for that room,
Save often!

Yeah that room was very tough, took at least 5-10 tries, here's my strategy for that room,
The key to killing a few quickly was using bombs, they put out hefty damage, once I managed to kill one or two enemies, the rest were easier to dodge and I made some headway, also once I killed a couple I saved, so if I died I wouldn't have to start again.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
i have bombs, i'm just saving them for an emergency. i tend to do that. i bet i'll end up not even using them haha. i think i tried to kill them like 20 times and i just got fed up. i might go back and try killing them for food later. i think i've got one round of food left and then i'll be SoL. almost there >.<
ᶘ╯ᵒᴥᵒᶅ╯︵ ┻━┻
There are a lot of bombs in the game, I tend to you them when I can;t get past a section any other way. I must admit in most games I have a habit of hoarding my consumables, and seeing as LoG is damn difficult at times, I thought what the heck!
I tell you when I replay on Hard with the automap active it'll feel like an entire different game! I'm considering balancing the hard difficulty with some extra skill points, as it would be nice to progress further into the skills on my next play through. Not decided how many yet, maybe 20-30 a piece. We'll see.

I tell you when I replay on Hard with the automap active it'll feel like an entire different game! I'm considering balancing the hard difficulty with some extra skill points, as it would be nice to progress further into the skills on my next play through. Not decided how many yet, maybe 20-30 a piece. We'll see.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
alrighty i'm finished
here are the last 3 maps. the pit icon with grey filling it in means i fell through a pit to get to that tile. just thought i'd explain it since i don't usually map pits. i kind of had to in these circumstances
i had so much fun playing this game
i hope everyone else does too
I may go back and find all the secrets so i can map them for you guys. i only missed 9
i finished a few minutes over 17 hours.


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