I think all puzzles were ok, althought too easy.. f.ex. that level 10 lever puzzle was waaaay too easy because there was that "check the pillars" note.
That level 3 "anticlockwise rotating teleporters" puzzle was most difficult for me

, it took ~15 minutes to figure out, all others were obvious and needed more reflexes than thinking. Ofcourse I haven't solved all secrets yet !
Ending was kind of ok , (wow, is it GLaDOS's evil brother) althought I usually don't like very much these Might and Magic 1 style plot twists which turn fantasy into scifi.
In the end I was left with feeling that I want more

, luckily I can ofcourse first hunt all those secrets and treasures and hopefully that level editor is ready sooner than later.
Good job Almost Human, Thank You.