+1TΛPETRVE wrote:Actually, I think we have enough offensive spells. I'd rather go the Anvil of Dawn way and come up with more outlandish stuff like, say, a pure death spell that, if successful, kills any enemy instantly, but only has a roughly 20% chance of effect and eats up all of the mage's energy bar at once.
But why use energy when you could use life as a source? Would love to see some kind of blood/black magic. Spells that can outright kill your enemy in one blow should have a much larger price than just using up all your energy imo. Creating such an effect as this should, imo, take like 60% of the mage's max health. Of course with such a price, a higher chance of success would be required too!

Furthermore, adding spells that can interact with each other would add way more variety to the game. Especially if we get more spells. An obvious example could be to grease your enemy in some kind of ignitable oil, then use a fire spell or hit them with a torch to ignite the inferno.