This is pretty old topic but anyway i would like to share my party setup as well for those who still playing this awesome game, or have some difuculties to setup a strong party. Im not saying that this is the top party ever but I felt that this party was VERY STRONG.
I completed the game at Old School & Hard difficulty with following party:
1. Minotaur Fighter 16 armor, rest maces
2. Minotaur Fighter 16 armor, rest axes
3. Minotaur Rogue 50 missile weapons, rest assasination for extra STR
4. Insect Mage 50 Air magic, rest spellcraft (get a bit of spellcraft on early levels - 5)
Yea, no place for humans, minotaur power !
Starting set:
1. Maxed VIT, rest STR - healthy, though
2. Maxed VIT, rest STR - aggresive, head hunter
3. Maxed STR, rest VIT - aggresive, athletic
4. Maxed WIL, rest VIT - strong mind. aura
I must say I had a little bit problem with accuracy of my front row from the start, specialy cuz i was focusing them or armor skill, but once those guys get some levels they were just superb.(keep in mind that every point in weapon skill will increase your accuracy)
If i will replay, which i probably will, (but this time nooooo old school moood

) I would probably switched 2. char for lizardman rogue based on high evasion and dagger gore.