I ended game, but some unsolved puzzles ...
a) Dark castle lvl1, cannot open gate under red marker. I think related with pressure plate under red marker, but no more blue undeads spawned. I think I lost one undead because he entered into red teleporter after previous undead used it (but not sure).
b) Earth trial area. I solved EARTH puzzle in the SE area, but no idea for next gate with 5 alcoves (south one). I should put potions into 5 alcoves?
c) In the cave, there is gate for "better times". As I sneaked around, it wont open, right?
d) Light tower, I can use path of light only from 1 side - from stairs. "My cup is already filled" means that I cant put anything into the bowl? I tried empty water flask, sadly I have spent small empty flask to try it. Idk where I got it nor how to spawn it.
Another though I had was put something related with dark, but idk what.
e) What to do with golden deity figure and fancy skull?
f) Frozen dungeon - I pressed button under red marker as last button in this area, but I didnt find what it did. I searched all places and no more doors opened.
g) Old tunnel - I got 5 torches under red marker. Should I do something with these?
h) In the mine I got instructions how to make explosives and how useful these are in the mine, but cannot use these nowhere (at least not in the mine area). A bit confusing information. Maybe a suggestion to make some paths which can be opened with bombs (like in Adrageron's Last adventure mod).