[WIP] Generations of Kings

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[WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

beta version
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DOTiuP ... drive_link

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Added a list of secrets and buried treasure for each level that has them.

Added a text-based walkthrough guide.
https://www.nexusmods.com/legendofgrimr ... ticles/120

I created this thread to see if there are still people here who are still playing mods and waiting for new mods to come out.

Work on this project began in January 2020.
During half a year I was actively working on mechanics, game world, lore, characters, etc.
Then I had a daughter and stopped development.
After 4 years, I decided to continue!
And so, another half a year passed and the mod began to take shape.

This mod is inspired by such works as:
Eye of the Atlantis
Xeen's cronicles
The Guardians
Final Adventure

What is planned in the release of the first version:

Approximately 40 varied levels.
A huge city with a castle, NPS and merchants.
Over 70 secrets and riddles.
Lots of buried treasures.
More than 20 battles with bosses.
More than a hundred rounds in the arena.
New alchemy system.
New spell system.
System of crafting and improving items.

Added to the mod:
Grimrock 2 GUI Toolkit by John Wordsworth
Andak Rainor's spell pack
Andak Rainor's alchemy
Zimber's assets
Germanny's Dungeon Master Resource
MinAssets by Minmay
The Winter Tileset by Skuggasveinn
Vanblam Utility Set
and many, many others.

The mod is scheduled for release in early 2025
For now, you can check out the short trailer.

For those who want to find all the secrets:
1 secret
Stonegrad ForestShow
5 places for digging
Druid VillageShow
2 secrets
there are a couple of rooms that open with secret buttons, but they are not secrets in the current version.
1 secret
Carnivorous forestShow
21 places for digging
Stonegrad CastleShow
12 secrets
Throne RoomShow
1 secret button opens a room that is not a secret in the current version.
5 secrets (1 of which counts for level completion)
Stonegrad SewerShow
5 secrets, 3 secret buttons (1 of which is underwater)
Flooded mineShow
6 secrets, 7 secret buttons
4 places for digging
The old tunnelShow
3 secrets, 6 places for digging
Tower of LightShow
7 secrets
Trial of waterShow
8 secrets
Trial of AirShow
9 secrets
Trial of EarthShow
7 secrets, 9 places for digging + 1 secret place
Trial of FireShow
7 secrets, 6 places for digging
Each trial has a hidden teleporter that is not secret.
Anomalous areaShow
3 secrets, 5 places for digging , 1 secret button that is not a secret in the current version.
Western dark PrisonShow
3 secrets, 1 secret room is not a secret in the current version
The redwood forestShow
9 places for digging
Dark Castle lvl1Show
13 secrets
Dark Castle lvl2Show
2 secrets
Dark Castle lvl3Show
6 secrets (fancy skull is for single playthrough)
Dark Castle lvl4Show
3 secrets
Optional levels:
Rat camp - This is an experimental level designed to test stealth mechanics. 3 secrets, 1 place for digging
Frozen dungeon is a secret place in itself. 2 secrets, 4 secret buttons
Frozen lake - 1 secret, 5 places for digging (slightly broken in this version, sorry)
+1 additional level, which has no secrets or monsters, but has many interesting puzzles
Last edited by Slava on Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:25 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

A few images of the city and its surroundings.
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by andyroosta »

looks great...good luck!
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by 2498billb »

Definitely looking forward to playing your Mod, sceenshots look great!
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

Changes added in 2020

A new race has been added, the Dwarves
They regenerate faster, require more food and carry more weight.

Added a new class - paladin.
paladins have reduced the weight of armor they can carry.
they get a bonus to defense and resistance if they use a staff or magic orb.
Can cast spells with their bare hands
get bonuses when using defense spells and spells of the school of life.

Added a new class - Druid
Druids gain a bonus to defense and resistance when using a staff or magic orb.
Can cast spells with their bare hands
regenerate energy faster
Gain experience 10% faster.
Gain bonuses when using earth spells.

Changed mage class
Mages now regenerate energy 30% faster
and cast spells 2 times faster than other classes.

Added new herbs
Changed alchemy system

New spells added
Spells now require scroll study
Poison spells from the original now require alchemy knowledge
Earth magic spells do physical damage

New schools of magic have been added
life, death, spirit, physical
new spells added
When reaching level 5 of a skill, you can no longer get a bonus to resistance

Added new skills:
crafting - allows you to create useful items using a toolbox

Shielding - allows you to block damage
all shields now give a bonus to defense instead of dodge
some shields can be attacked and automatically counterattacked after a successful block.
attack and counterattack require shield skills.
When you reach 5th level, you can use a two-handed weapon and a shield.
respectively, when reaching 5th level of heavy weapons, this function is disabled.

Heavy two-handed weapons can now also block damage.
wielding a heavy weapon increases the block chance.
this chance is also affected by the strength indicator

now using a weapon in both hands you get a chance to block an enemy attack
light weapon skill increases the chance of block when using a weapon in both hands.
also this chance is influenced by the dexterity index.

staff skill - allows you to use powerful magic items

knowledge - allows you to read ancient books and communicate with spirits.

The evasion skill is now called adventurism.
allows you to find hidden buttons and traps more easily.
Also used to unlock locked chests

Critical Strike skill now increases the chance to deal critical damage with spells.

When reaching level 5, long-range weapons now have a bonus to reload speed.

In the display of character characteristics added a line of additional characteristics when hovering the cursor over it displays
spell crit chance
spell power
death magic resistance
(there is no point in using other resistances, because life magic only deals damage to non-life.
Life magic only deals damage to undead.
spirit magic deals damage only to elementals.
physics deals physical damage respectively, and armor protects against it)
and block chance.
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

Changes added in 2024

May 2024
alchemy mechanics (potion crafting) changed

Reworked stone spikes, copycat and poison cloud spells.

stone spikes - now does not change the texture of the monster
petrification effect now does not work on groups of monsters (like freeze in the original game),
as well as flying and bodyless monsters.
When the petrification effect is triggered, the corresponding inscription will be displayed.

copycat - returned to the list of available spells,
casts with the balance rune

poison cloud - if cast by a druid, it summons a swarm of insects without a poison cloud, as well as if it has an alchemy level of 5, the swarm of insects will poison the target.
for information, in the original game poison cloud could cast through the bars, in spell pack author removed this possibility.

Fixed a problem with NPS. Added replicas to guards. Fixed the work of dialog scripts, now during sleep any dialog window will be closed.
Added the effect of bleeding removal to blood plant.
Added labels with the name of stores on the map of Kamnegrad.

changes were made and the Kamnegrad Castle location was added.
fixed the script of the ruler of Kamnegrad, now the quest ends correctly

added cheat system
temporarily (until release) enabled by default
+ and - adjust walking speed from 1 to 5 in increments of 1
0 and 9 regulate game speed from 0.5 to 2 in increments of 0.5
U turns breathing underwater on/off
F restores the food scale
H restores health and mana to all heroes and removes all negative effects
K kills a monster in front of the group
Z opens the door in front of the group (does not work)
C opens cheat input window
small fix, now when cheat input window is active cheat buttons do not perform their functions

now when you take the finished potion from the alchemist's mortar a sound is played
disabled the creation of empty flasks after using potions
disabled flash when using a light spell
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

Ready and tested 3 forms of the final boss!
Here are their abilities:
The first form is.
1. Immunity to sleep, blinded, frozen, burning, poisoned.
2. Immunity to any type of damage except life magic.
3. a large amount of defense.
3. Summon a shadow undead that attacks everyone and imposes blindness.
4. Unique DESOUL attack that instantly kills one member of the group. Be careful when playing a single character.
5. a dark energy shot that deals death damage and blinds.

Second form. All the same +.
1. teleportation.
2. energy shield.
3. High Evasion.
4. energy shot that removes all buffs. Deals death damage depending on how many buffs have been removed.
5. Necrotic Shot. Heals summoned undead.

Third Form. All the same +
1. Rapid Movement.
2. Necrotic Blast. Prohibits mages from casting spells and fighters from attacking with weapons and blocking with shields.
3. Bloodshot. Prohibits movement for a short period of time.
4. Summons a darkness elemental. Quickly flies towards the group and explodes, dealing damage and blinding.
5. And one more little surprise.)))))))
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

New pics!
winter lvl
dark castle
rat camp
mossy cave
flooded shaft
anomalous area
old tunnel
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

Due to the fact that the translation of the mod into English (English is not my native language.) using deepL is almost complete.
I am looking for testers who can check the text for errors.
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Re: [WIP] Generations of Kings

Post by Slava »

Oh, well. After years of development, months of fixes, and weeks of testing .... here it is!
This is still a test beta because I'm waiting for feedback.
Have fun playing!
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DOTiuP ... drive_link
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