Hi guys. Yes true Thom but I don't know how to change the normal maps (textures) sorry I did mention that, maybe if someone has time they could do it.
Drakkan I have lowered that wall for you can changed the chain and table here is the new code mate. I can get the housewall1 to ground level in GMT but it wont work in the editor, so I had to change offset = vec.
Errr the lantern was for something different, a joke will change it back to red fire of hell lol. As for the roof man ill do my best ahy (sweat)
The reason I have left some walls, chain etc.. as doors is because of the blockage effect as you will see when you walk into (sx_town_wall) on both sides.
The other problem is sx_town_wall at 0 level is good but add another wall on top of it set height 1 there is a gap between the walls, so to fix this I did another wall
sx_town_wall_2nd_level with a diferent offset to cover that gap between both walls. I don't know if this is right.
Code: Select all
--- Offset -3 Lower wall to 0 Ground Level (housewall1) --- I think this is how you do it --- Works so far ---
name = "sx_town_housewall",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_housewall1.fbx",
offset = vec(0, -3, 0, 0, 0),
placement = "wall",
editorIcon = 92,
--- The Wall chain ---
-- Wall Chain redone not clickable --
name = "sx_town_wall_chain",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_wall_chain.fbx",
staticShadow = true,
class = "Door",
sparse = true,
hitSound = "impact_blunt", ---Don't need this, but hit Chain sound will be nice--
placement = "wall",
editorIcon = 160,
automapIcon = 88,
minimalSaveState = true,
-- Table is not clickable now, but need as a wall placement object not Altar like Table1--
name = "sx_town_table_02",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_table_02.fbx",
staticShadow = true,
class = "Door",
sparse = true,
hitSound = "impact_blunt",
placement = "wall",
editorIcon = 120,
automapIcon = 88,
minimalSaveState = true,
EDIT: Sorry about this, if you would like to add the new code to the objects lua file for the fixed lanterns here it is:
Code: Select all
--- Lamps, Lanterns ---
name = "sx_town_wall_lantern",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_lantern.fbx",
offset = vec(0, -0.5 + 0, 0, 0.2),
staticShadow = true,
class = "Light",
offset = vec(0, 1.55, -0.12),
range = 10,
color = vec(0.25, 0.6, 0.5),
brightness = 10,
castShadow = true,
staticShadows = true,
onInit = function(self)
-- optimization: disable casting light behind the wall
local face
if self.go.facing == 2 then
-- disable -Z
face = 5
elseif self.go.facing == 3 then
-- disable -X
face = 1
elseif self.go.facing == 0 then
-- disable +Z
face = 4
elseif self.go.facing == 1 then
-- disable +X
face = 0
self:setClipDistance(face, 0)
class = "Particle",
particleSystem = "torch",
offset = vec(0, 2.0, -0.3),
placement = "wall",
editorIcon = 88,
name = "sx_town_wall_pillar_lantern",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_lantern.fbx",
offset = vec(0, 0.1 + 0.2, -0.1 - 0.2),
staticShadow = true,
class = "Light",
offset = vec(0, 3.2, -0.50), -- 0,1.6,-0.50--
range = 6,
color = vec(1.1, 0.65, 0.3),
brightness = 7,
castShadow = true,
staticShadows = true,
onUpdate = function(self)
local noise = math.noise(Time.currentTime()*3 + 123) * 0.5 + 0.9
self:setBrightness(noise * 9)
class = "Particle",
particleSystem = "torch",
offset = vec(0, 2.8, -0.6), ---0,1.56,-0.33
placement = "pillar",
editorIcon = 108,