LoG1 tilesets???

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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by THOM »

Drakkan wrote: - please make object sx_town_housewall also for 0 elevation (curently it is in height 1 by default so can be used only for two-floor houses)
??? You can set the housewall to height -1

But because of that it is not nessecary anymore to create models with a height. LoG2 allows to lift everything up...

Another thing I pickd up: all materials have still the wrong normal-map (purple instead of green) - strange light behaviour could occur

Drakkan wrote: - perhaps too late, but adding some tag for all sx_town objects could be fine for easy search in editor
I would recommend this, too. But one can add this certainly to the elements one uses in a mod...
Drakkan wrote: not sure if mixing all together is good idea. Maybe in worst each modder could delete what he / she do not want to use...
I wouldn't mix things together, too. It is more easy to find things you need, if they are present in different sets. Also it is more easy to identify which object is from which author (when you name them in your credits...)
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by Drakkan »

THOM wrote:
Drakkan wrote: - please make object sx_town_housewall also for 0 elevation (curently it is in height 1 by default so can be used only for two-floor houses)
??? You can set the housewall to height -1
Yes but when I will build just one-floor houses it could really save my time to have object directly in the correct height :) but I suppose just edit one and then copying could make it work as well ;)
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by minmay »

Well if you refuse to change the model for some reason, you can just add an offset to the model in the object definition.
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Hi guys. Yes true Thom but I don't know how to change the normal maps (textures) sorry I did mention that, maybe if someone has time they could do it.

Drakkan I have lowered that wall for you can changed the chain and table here is the new code mate. I can get the housewall1 to ground level in GMT but it wont work in the editor, so I had to change offset = vec.

Errr the lantern was for something different, a joke will change it back to red fire of hell lol. As for the roof man ill do my best ahy (sweat)
The reason I have left some walls, chain etc.. as doors is because of the blockage effect as you will see when you walk into (sx_town_wall) on both sides.

The other problem is sx_town_wall at 0 level is good but add another wall on top of it set height 1 there is a gap between the walls, so to fix this I did another wall
sx_town_wall_2nd_level with a diferent offset to cover that gap between both walls. I don't know if this is right.

Code: Select all

--- Offset -3 Lower wall to 0 Ground Level (housewall1) --- I think this is how you do it --- Works so far ---
	name = "sx_town_housewall",
	components = {
	class = "Model",
	model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_housewall1.fbx",
    offset = vec(0, -3, 0, 0, 0),


  placement = "wall",
  editorIcon = 92,

--- The Wall chain ---
-- Wall Chain redone not clickable --

	name = "sx_town_wall_chain",
	components = {
		class = "Model",
		model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_wall_chain.fbx",
		staticShadow = true,
		class = "Door",
		sparse = true,
		hitSound = "impact_blunt", ---Don't need this, but hit Chain sound will be nice--
	placement = "wall",
	editorIcon = 160,
	automapIcon = 88,
	minimalSaveState = true,

-- Table is not clickable now, but need as a wall placement object not Altar like Table1--
	name = "sx_town_table_02",
	components = {
		class = "Model",
		model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_table_02.fbx",
		staticShadow = true,
		class = "Door",
		sparse = true,
		hitSound = "impact_blunt",
	placement = "wall",
	editorIcon = 120,
	automapIcon = 88,
	minimalSaveState = true,

EDIT: Sorry about this, if you would like to add the new code to the objects lua file for the fixed lanterns here it is:

Code: Select all

--- Lamps, Lanterns ---

	name = "sx_town_wall_lantern",
	components = {
		class = "Model",
		model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_lantern.fbx",
		offset = vec(0, -0.5 + 0, 0, 0.2),
		staticShadow = true,
		class = "Light",
		offset = vec(0, 1.55, -0.12),
		range = 10,
		color = vec(0.25, 0.6, 0.5),
		brightness = 10,
		castShadow = true,
		staticShadows = true,
		onInit = function(self)
		-- optimization: disable casting light behind the wall
			local face
			if self.go.facing == 2 then
			-- disable -Z
			face = 5
			elseif self.go.facing == 3 then
			-- disable -X
			face = 1
			elseif self.go.facing == 0 then
			-- disable +Z
			face = 4
			elseif self.go.facing == 1 then
			-- disable +X
			face = 0
				self:setClipDistance(face, 0)
		class = "Particle",
		particleSystem = "torch",
		offset = vec(0, 2.0, -0.3),
	placement = "wall",
	editorIcon = 88,

	name = "sx_town_wall_pillar_lantern",
	components = {
		class = "Model",
		model = "mod_assets/sx_towntileset/models/sx_town_lantern.fbx",
		offset = vec(0, 0.1 + 0.2, -0.1 - 0.2),
		staticShadow = true,
		class = "Light",
		offset = vec(0, 3.2, -0.50), -- 0,1.6,-0.50--
		range = 6,
		color = vec(1.1, 0.65, 0.3),
		brightness = 7,
		castShadow = true,
		staticShadows = true,
		onUpdate = function(self)
			local noise = math.noise(Time.currentTime()*3 + 123) * 0.5 + 0.9
				self:setBrightness(noise * 9)
		class = "Particle",
		particleSystem = "torch",
		offset = vec(0, 2.8, -0.6), ---0,1.56,-0.33
	placement = "pillar",
	editorIcon = 108,
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by Drakkan »

seems like you are becoming skilled object modder :) or at least you will have definitely lots of new experience. keeping fingers to finish this and looking forward for next version.
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Thxs for the comment Drakkan :oops: I have just copied what Ah did in their lua files and adjusted to the needs of the objects ahy :). Ill keep trying hard on this as I owe the community for all the things they have done for me over the years and for my stupid replys that I have posted.. God what was I thinking... Ohh I am soory I did not mention who did this wonder set Skuggs and some from Leki sorry I did not mean to be rude guys... Well I must continue and learn how this is done, will add more sx town stuff real soon :)

EDIT: Sorry I forgot Mysblade as well.
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Hi to someone out there if you have seen the sx town set can someone please make a model for the top part of the roof with textures like a single square. Thxs for any help on this :)
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by sajon »

Eleven Warrior wrote:Hi to someone out there if you have seen the sx town set can someone please make a model for the top part of the roof with textures like a single square. Thxs for any help on this :)
i think these are what you asked for, they are not perfect.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e8ib8wyhq1q4 ... c5qAa?dl=0
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by 2Four »

Is there a fresh link to the frozen temple tileset (For LOG2). It doesn't seem to be in the dropbox that it is linked to?
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Re: LoG1 tilesets???

Post by Slade »

Is tileset available anymore?
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