[MOD] Final Adventure
Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
Thank you for your work to keep LoG alive.
Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
LoG more then deserves it!

Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
пожалуйста, ответь хотя бы на:
как именно понижаются резисты (опция сложности)? От времени? От уровня? Насколько?
сколько книг на +навыки в игре, и какие?
(это информация нужна при создании персонажа)
и предусмотрена ли возможность прохождения мода соло-персонажем? (я не спрашиваю о сложности, о технической стороне)
how exactly do resistances decrease (difficulty option)? From time? From level? How much?
how many +skill books are in the game, and which ones?
(this information is needed when creating a character)
and is it possible to pass the mod as a solo character? (I'm not asking about complexity, about the technical side)
Last edited by kikotrt on Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
@kikotrt If you want to write in russian, you can always ask me via PM.
Considering your questions:
- Resistances decreases over time, gradually.
- There are many different tomes ;P
- Yes, it is possible to finish the mod by one man team.
Considering your questions:
- Resistances decreases over time, gradually.
- There are many different tomes ;P
- Yes, it is possible to finish the mod by one man team.
Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
ой, туплю

thanks! for the mod.
Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
уже позно, но все равно напишу:
что бы навык "critical" был более полезным, чем рендом - надо, если это возможно техничестки, сделать рост урона крита с уровнем прокачки.
It's late, but I'll post it anyway:
in order for the "critical" skill to be more useful than random - it is necessary, if technically possible, to increase the damage of crit with the level of pumping.
уже позно, но все равно напишу:
что бы навык "critical" был более полезным, чем рендом - надо, если это возможно техничестки, сделать рост урона крита с уровнем прокачки.
It's late, but I'll post it anyway:
in order for the "critical" skill to be more useful than random - it is necessary, if technically possible, to increase the damage of crit with the level of pumping.
Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
The crit skill is already very useful, even with the significant nerf Adrageron gave it. The mod features plenty of high protection enemies where all your damage comes from the high rolls. And with a full party a much higher percentage of your damage in general comes from weapon base damage making crits better than in your solo runs.
Also, in regards to scoring, I think the optimal scoring play right now would be a full party that never rests, so has doubled cooldowns and halved energy regeneration. (Well, starting values anyway, since the tiredness penalties are additive)
Also, in regards to scoring, I think the optimal scoring play right now would be a full party that never rests, so has doubled cooldowns and halved energy regeneration. (Well, starting values anyway, since the tiredness penalties are additive)
Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
1. please read carefully what I write (well, or is it a google translation defect)knr wrote: ↑Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:55 am The crit skill is already very useful, even with the significant nerf Adrageron gave it. The mod features plenty of high protection enemies where all your damage comes from the high rolls. And with a full party a much higher percentage of your damage in general comes from weapon base damage making crits better than in your solo runs.
Also, in regards to scoring, I think the optimal scoring play right now would be a full party that never rests, so has doubled cooldowns and halved energy regeneration. (Well, starting values anyway, since the tiredness penalties are additive)
I didn't say crit was useless.
but now that's just luck.
that 5%, that 20% - lucky or not.
but if the crit power grows with the skill level, I think it will be better.
"Also, in regards to scoring, I think the optimal scoring play right now would be a full party"
because the solo character spend more time killing the monster.
and points also take into account the time of the game.
therefore it is desirable to take this into account when calculating.
Re: [MOD] Final Adventure
If party did not sleep, you will get not only +50% cooldown (Tired) but +25% (Drowsy) at same time. And maybe even 2 Tired.knr wrote: ↑Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:55 am The crit skill is already very useful, even with the significant nerf Adrageron gave it. The mod features plenty of high protection enemies where all your damage comes from the high rolls. And with a full party a much higher percentage of your damage in general comes from weapon base damage making crits better than in your solo runs.
Also, in regards to scoring, I think the optimal scoring play right now would be a full party that never rests, so has doubled cooldowns and halved energy regeneration. (Well, starting values anyway, since the tiredness penalties are additive)