*And doesn't detect if they are in the water. ( ?)
(Though it could work reasonably well on default overland maps.

Just to clarify things: With the party object and the timer attached I now have a global timer running "in the background", right? So whenever I connect timer objects with scripts for respawn and individual timers for each of those, I get to use numerous timers simultaneously?Zo Kath Ra wrote: ↑Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:50 am Or you can attach timers to the party dynamically:
http://www.grimrock.net/forum/viewtopic ... 23#p121823
Code: Select all
name = "wall_button",
baseObject = "wall_button",
components = {
class = "Button",
sound = "button",
onActivate = function(self)
return self:isEnabled()
Code: Select all
name = "wall_button",
baseObject = "wall_button",
components = {
class = "Button",
sound = "button",
onActivate = function(self)
local enabled = self:isEnabled()
if not enabled then
return enabled
> With the party object and the timer attached I now have a global timer running "in the background", right?Lorial wrote: ↑Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:27 am Just to clarify things: With the party object and the timer attached I now have a global timer running "in the background", right? So whenever I connect timer objects with scripts for respawn and individual timers for each of those, I get to use numerous timers simultaneously?
Are there any known downsides to this when used in huge mods, such as lag or crashes or the likes? And does a reload of the game reset the timer or is its progress saved? This would be especially important for long timers, such as 3600 or 7200 second ones.
Code: Select all
name = "wall_button",
baseObject = "wall_button",
components = {
class = "Button",
sound = "button",
onActivate = function(self)
return self:isEnabled()
Code: Select all
name = "wall_button_disable",
baseObject = "wall_button",
components = {
class = "Button",
sound = "button",
onActivate = function(self)
local enabled = self:isEnabled()
if not enabled then
return enabled
Code: Select all
name = "wall_button_single",
baseObject = "wall_button",
components = {
class = "Button",
sound = "button",
onActivate = function(self)
if not enabled then
Thanks for clearing that up, Zo Kath Ra. Time to put it to good use, no pun intended.Zo Kath Ra wrote: ↑Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:08 pm You'll have a timer that's always running.
They'll probably work even when the party is resting, but I haven't tried this yet.[...]
If you want the Button component's disableSelf checkbox to have an effect, you need to look at its value.Lorial wrote: ↑Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:14 am Thank you so much for that, Isaac.
Unfortunately, this leaves it clickable twice, even though the second click does nothing (tested with toggles). Fiddled around a bit and I now have a single-use button, just like I wanted. However, the disableSelf box has no effect. So now there are three versions.
Code: Select all
baseObject = "wall_button",
name = "wall_button_new",
components = {
class = "Button",
sound = "button",
onActivate = function(self)
print(self.go.id, "onActivate")
print(self.go.id, "isEnabled", self:isEnabled())
if self:getDisableSelf() then
return self:isEnabled()
Perfect, works like a charm and for all buttons, secret buttons and levers. Now disableSelf is finally working as intended. Now off to removing all the scripts for individual buttons, yay. Thanks again, Zu Kath Ra.Zo Kath Ra wrote: ↑Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:35 am If you want the Button component's disableSelf checkbox to have an effect, you need to look at its value.
Code: Select all
onAttack = function(self)
local x,y = self.go.x,self.go.y
local dx,dy = getForward(self.go.facing)
x = x + dx
y = y + dy
spawn("shock_wave", self.go.level, x, y, 0, self.go.elevation)
party.party:shakeCamera(0.7, 0.3)
Code: Select all
name = "redrock_golem",
baseObject = "base_monster",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "assets/models/monsters/magma_golem.fbx",
material = "mountain_wall_01",
storeSourceData = true, -- must be enabled for mesh particles to work
class = "Animation",
animations = {
idle = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_idle.fbx",
moveForward = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_walk.fbx",
turnLeft = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_turn_left.fbx",
turnRight = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_turn_right.fbx",
turnAround = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_turn_around.fbx",
attack = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_attack.fbx",
attack2 = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_punch_attack.fbx",
groundPound = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_ground_pound.fbx",
rangedAttack = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_ranged_attack.fbx",
turnAttackLeft = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_turn_attack_left.fbx",
turnAttackRight = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_turn_attack_right.fbx",
getHitFrontLeft = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_get_hit_front_left.fbx",
getHitFrontRight = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_get_hit_front_right.fbx",
getHitBack = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_get_hit_back.fbx",
getHitLeft = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_get_hit_left.fbx",
getHitRight = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_get_hit_right.fbx",
fall = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_get_hit_front_left.fbx",
meteorFall = "assets/animations/monsters/magma_golem/magma_golem_meteor.fbx",
currentLevelOnly = true,
onAnimationEvent = function(self, event)
if event == "footstep" then
if self.go.brain.partyOnLevel then
local dist = math.abs(party.x - self.go.x) + math.abs(party.y - self.go.y)
if dist < 5 then
party.party:shakeCamera(0.7 / dist, 0.3)
class = "Monster",
meshName = "stone_elemental_mesh",
hitSound = "magma_golem_hit",
dieSound = "magma_golem_die",
footstepSound = "magma_golem_footstep",
hitEffect = "hit_flame",
capsuleHeight = 0.2,
capsuleRadius = 0.7,
collisionRadius = 1.5,
collisionHeight = 2.5,
health = 3000,
protection = 70,
evasion = -10,
exp = 2000,
lootDrop = { 100, "red_rock", 60, "red_rock", 40, "red_rock", 20, "red_rock", 10, "red_rock" },
immunities = { "sleep", "blinded", "knockback", "frozen", "poisoned" },
resistances = {
shock = "immune",
fire = "weak",
frost = "resist",
poison = "immune",
traits = { "elemental" },
class = "MagmaGolemBrain",
name = "brain",
sight = 30,
morale = 100,
class = "MonsterMove",
name = "move",
sound = "magma_golem_walk",
cooldown = 3,
class = "MonsterTurn",
name = "turn",
sound = "magma_golem_walk",
class = "MonsterAttack",
name = "basicAttack",
animation = "attack",
attackPower = 110,
woundChance = 40,
cooldown = 2,
sound = "magma_golem_attack",
onBeginAction = function(self)
-- randomize animation
if math.random() < 0.5 then
class = "MonsterAttack",
name = "turnAttack",
attackPower = 140,
cooldown = 3,
sound = "magma_golem_turn_attack",
accuracy = 70,
woundChance = 40,
turnToAttackDirection = true,
cameraShake = true,
cameraShakeIntensity = 0.7,
screenEffect = "damage_screen",
class = "MonsterAttack",
name = "groundPound",
animation = "groundPound",
cooldown = 10,
repeatChance = 0,
sound = "magma_golem_ground_pound",
onAttack = function(self)
local x,y = self.go.x,self.go.y
local dx,dy = getForward(self.go.facing)
x = x + dx
y = y + dy
spawn("shock_wave", self.go.level, x, y, 0, self.go.elevation)
party.party:shakeCamera(0.7, 0.3)
class = "MonsterAttack",
name = "rangedAttack",
attackType = "projectile",
cooldown = 5,
animation = "rangedAttack",
sound = "magma_golem_ranged_attack",
onBeginAction = function(self)
onAttack = function(self)
local projectile = self.go.monster:shootProjectile("redrock2_meteor", 3, 10, "jaw").projectile
projectile:setIgnoreEntity(self.go, 1)
local dist = self.go.brain.partyDistY
if dist < 3 then
elseif dist == 3 then
elseif dist == 4 then
elseif dist == 5 then
return false
class = "Particle",
name = "spitParticle",
parentNode = "jaw",
particleSystem = "redrock_golem_spit",
offset = vec(0, 0, 0.1),
enabled = false,
Code: Select all
name = "shock_wave",
baseObject = "base_spell",
components = {
class = "Blast",
delay = 0.2,
effect = "shockburst",
Code: Select all
name = "redrock_golem_spit",
emitters = {
-- glow
spawnBurst = true,
emissionRate = 1,
emissionTime = 0,
maxParticles = 1,
boxMin = {0,0,0},
boxMax = {0,0,0},
sprayAngle = {0,30},
velocity = {0,0},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow.tga",
lifetime = {0.7, 0.7},
colorAnimation = false,
color0 = {0.25, 0.5, 1},
opacity = 0.2,
fadeIn = 0.4,
fadeOut = 0.5,
size = {2, 2},
gravity = {0,0,0},
airResistance = 1,
rotationSpeed = 2,
blendMode = "Additive",
objectSpace = true,
depthBias = 0.2,
-- glow
spawnBurst = true,
emissionRate = 1,
emissionTime = 0,
maxParticles = 1,
boxMin = {0,0,-0.1},
boxMax = {0,0,-0.1},
sprayAngle = {0,30},
velocity = {0,0},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow.tga",
lifetime = {0.7, 0.7},
colorAnimation = false,
color0 = {0.25, 0.5, 1},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.3,
fadeOut = 0.5,
size = {0.6, 0.6},
gravity = {0,0,0},
airResistance = 1,
rotationSpeed = 2,
blendMode = "Additive",
objectSpace = true,
depthBias = 0.2,
name = "redrock2_meteor",
baseObject = "base_spell",
components = {
class = "Particle",
particleSystem = "lightning_bolt_greater",
class = "Light",
color = vec(0.25, 0.5, 1),
brightness = 15,
range = 7,
castShadow = true,
fillLight = true,
class = "Sound",
sound = "lightning_bolt",
class = "Sound",
name = "launchSound",
sound = "lightning_bolt_launch",
class = "Projectile",
spawnOffsetY = 1.35,
velocity = 10,
radius = 0.1,
hitEffect = "redrockgolem_blast",
onProjectileHit = function(self, what, entity)
local x,y,level,map = self.go.x,self.go.y,self.go.level,self.go.map
local elevation = map:getElevation(x, y)
spawn("shock_fire", level, x, y, 0, elevation)
if y > 0 then spawn("shock_fire", level, x, y-1, 0, elevation) end
if y < map:getHeight() - 1 then spawn("shock_fire", level, x, y+1, 1, elevation) end
if x > 0 then spawn("shock_fire", level, x-1, y, 2, elevation) end
if x < map:getWidth() - 1 then spawn("shock_fire", level, x+1, y, 3, elevation) end
Code: Select all
name = "shock_fire",
baseObject = "base_spell",
components = {
class = "Model",
-- model = "mod_assets/models/wall_fire2.fbx",
model = "assets/models/effects/wall_fire.fbx",
materialOverrides = { ["flame_streak"] = "flame_streak2", ["fire_puddle"] = "fire_puddle2" },
sortOffset = 1,
class = "Animation",
animations = {
idle = "assets/animations/effects/wall_fire.fbx",
playOnInit = "idle",
onAnimationEvent = function(self, event)
if event == "end" then
class = "Particle",
particleSystem = "wall_fire_smoke",
offset = vec(0, 0, 0),
sortOffset = 3,
--destroyObject = true,
class = "Particle",
name = "particle2",
particleSystem = "shock_fire",
offset = vec(0, 0, 0),
--destroyObject = true,
class = "Particle",
name = "impact",
particleSystem = "shock_fire_impact",
offset = vec(0, 0, 0),
sortOffset = 3,
--destroyObject = true,
class = "Light",
color = vec(0.25, 0.4, 1.25),
brightness = 35,
range = 6,
offset = vec(0, 1.2, 0),
--fadeOut = 0.75,
disableSelf = true,
class = "TileDamager",
attackPower = 35,
damageType = "shock",
repeatCount = 5,
repeatDelay = 4.3/5,
Code: Select all
name = "shock_fire",
emitters = {
-- glow
spawnBurst = true,
emissionRate = 1,
emissionTime = 0,
maxParticles = 1,
boxMin = {0, 1, 0},
boxMax = {0, 1, 0},
sprayAngle = {0,30},
velocity = {0,0},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow_ring.tga",
lifetime = {1000, 1000},
colorAnimation = false,
color0 = {0.090000, 0.495000, 1.500000},
opacity = 0.1,
fadeIn = 0.01,
fadeOut = 0.5,
size = {7, 7},
gravity = {0,0,0},
airResistance = 1,
rotationSpeed = 0,
blendMode = "Additive",
-- sparkles
emissionRate = 200,
emissionTime = 0,
maxParticles = 300,
boxMin = {-1.3, -0.3,-1.3 },
boxMax = { 1.3, 1.5, 1.3 },
sprayAngle = {0,180},
velocity = {0.1,0.5},
objectSpace = false,
texture = "assets/textures/particles/force_field_particle.tga",
lifetime = {0.4,1},
color0 = {0.8*1.5,1.2*1.5,1.9*1.5},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.1,
fadeOut = 0.1,
size = {0.03, 0.1},
gravity = {0,2.3,0},
airResistance = 0.01,
rotationSpeed = 10,
blendMode = "Additive",
-- glow sparkles
emissionRate = 30,
emissionTime = 0,
maxParticles = 100,
boxMin = {-1.3, 0.0,-1.3 },
boxMax = { 1.3, 0.5, 1.3 },
sprayAngle = {0,180},
velocity = {0.1,0.5},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow.tga",
lifetime = {0.2, 0.6},
colorAnimation = false,
color0 = {0.090000, 0.495000, 1.500000},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.1,
fadeOut = 0.5,
size = {0.3, 1.8},
gravity = {0,1.5,0},
airResistance = 1,
rotationSpeed = 0,
blendMode = "Additive",
name = "shock_fire_impact",
emitters = {
-- sparkles
spawnBurst = true,
maxParticles = 1000,
boxMin = {-1.3, 0.0, -1.3 },
boxMax = { 1.3, 0.1, 1.3 },
sprayAngle = {0,180},
velocity = {2,5},
objectSpace = false,
texture = "assets/textures/particles/force_field_particle.tga",
lifetime = {0.3,0.6},
color0 = {0.8*1.5,1.2*1.5,1.8*1.5},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.01,
fadeOut = 0.3,
size = {0.05, 0.3},
gravity = {0,0,0},
airResistance = 0.01,
rotationSpeed = 3,
blendMode = "Additive",
-- glow sparkles
spawnBurst = true,
maxParticles = 20,
boxMin = {-1.3, 0.0,-1.3 },
boxMax = { 1.3, 0.1, 1.3 },
sprayAngle = {0,180},
velocity = {0.1,0.5},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow.tga",
lifetime = {0.2, 0.6},
colorAnimation = false,
color0 = {0.090000, 0.495000, 1.500000},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.01,
fadeOut = 0.5,
size = {0.3, 1.8},
gravity = {0,1.5,0},
airResistance = 1,
rotationSpeed = 0,
blendMode = "Additive",
Code: Select all
name = "redrockgolem_blast",
baseObject = "base_spell",
components = {
class = "Particle",
particleSystem = "redrockgolem_blasteffect",
destroyObject = true,
class = "Light",
color = vec(0.25, 0.5, 1),
brightness = 40,
range = 10,
fadeOut = 0.5,
disableSelf = true,
fillLight = true,
class = "TileDamager",
attackPower = 80,
damageType = "shock",
screenEffect = "frozen_screen",
sound = "mortar_hit_2",
name = "redrockgolem_blasteffect",
emitters = {
{ -- globe
spawnBurst = true,
maxParticles = Config.getRenderingQuality() == 1 and 512 or 4096,
sprayAngle = {0,180},
boxMin = {0,0,0},
boxMax = {0,0,0},
velocity = {40,48},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/goromorg_lantern.tga",
frameRate = 35,
frameSize = 64,
frameCount = 16,
lifetime = {0.5, 2.5},
colorAnimation = true,
color0 = {1, 1, 2},
color1 = {0.75, 0.90, 1.75},
color2 = {0.5, 0.65, 1.25},
color3 = {0.25, 0.5, 1},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.001,
fadeOut = 0.8,
size = {0.1, 0.3},
gravity = {0,0,0},
airResistance = 9,
rotationSpeed = 1,
blendMode = "Additive",
{ -- smoke
emissionRate = Config.getRenderingQuality() == 1 and 64 or 1024,
emissionTime = 0.3,
maxParticles = 512,
boxMin = {-5, -5, -5},
boxMax = {5, 5, 5},
sprayAngle = {0,100},
velocity = {0.1, 0.5},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/smoke_01.tga",
lifetime = {1,4},
color0 = {0.25, 0.5, 1},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.3,
fadeOut = 0.9,
size = {1, 3},
gravity = {0,0,0},
airResistance = 0.1,
rotationSpeed = 0.5,
blendMode = "Translucent",
{ -- not so floaty sparks
spawnBurst = true,
maxParticles = Config.getRenderingQuality() == 1 and 32 or 256,
boxMin = {-1,0.1,-1},
boxMax = {1,0.2,1},
sprayAngle = {0,50},
velocity = {16, 24},
texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow.tga",
lifetime = {1, 1.5},
colorAnimation = true,
color0 = {1, 2, 2},
color1 = {0.75, 0.7, 1},
color2 = {0.35, 0.6, 1},
color3 = {0.25, 0.5, 1},
opacity = 1,
fadeIn = 0.001,
fadeOut = 0.8,
size = {0.04, 0.08},
gravity = {0,-8,0},
rotationSpeed = 1,
airResistance = 2.6,
blendMode = "Additive",
depthBias = 0.006,